Devices running Windows XP Embedded reached end of support in 2016. Set the directory to use for storing user data. If you enable this policy or don't configure it, Mobile App Management (MAM) Policies can be applied. Previously this messaging was done on the address bar. If the server is on the internet, IWA requests from it are ignored by Microsoft Edge. If you enable this policy, the list of cookies won't be cleared when the browser closes. For production environments, we don't recommend allowing ICMP through the Windows Firewall. However, the reports will not be stored in the Site Lists app. If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not block those navigations. If you selected any other mode for configuring proxy policies, don't enable or configure this policy. This means that When a script makes a cross-origin network request via fetch() and XMLHttpRequest with a script-added Authorization header, the header must be explicitly allowed by the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header in the CORS preflight response. { "file_extension": "jnlp", "domains": [""] }, If you enable this policy, users will see the favorites bar. If you enable this policy or don't configure it, users can invoke Edge Feedback. Specify whether a user can sign into Microsoft Edge with their account and use account-related services like sync and single sign on. If you disable or don't configure this policy, users will be able to upload files while in Application Guard. Microsoft Edge ignores all proxy-related options specified from the command line. For more information about identifying Application Guard traffic via dual proxy, visit Disabling the JavaScript JIT may allow Microsoft Edge to render web content in a more secure configuration. Otherwise, it will be treated as an insecure context. In this section, you'll create a virtual network, three subnets, and a bastion host. If you disable this policy, you can't use the Discover feature in Microsoft Edge. For Windows instances not joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, forced installation is limited to apps and extensions listed in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website. Edge mode pages, Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationWindowOpenWidthAdjustment, GP unique name: InternetExplorerModeEnableSavePageAs, GP name: Allow Save page as in Internet Explorer mode, Value Name: InternetExplorerModeEnableSavePageAs, GP unique name: InternetExplorerModeTabInEdgeModeAllowed, GP name: Allow sites configured for Internet Explorer mode to open in Microsoft Edge, Value Name: InternetExplorerModeTabInEdgeModeAllowed, GP unique name: InternetExplorerModeToolbarButtonEnabled, GP name: Show the Reload in Internet Explorer mode button in the toolbar, Value Name: InternetExplorerModeToolbarButtonEnabled, GP unique name: InternetExplorerZoomDisplay, GP name: Display zoom in IE Mode tabs with DPI Scale included like it is in Internet Explorer, Preference Key Name: IntranetRedirectBehavior, GP name: Enable site isolation for specific origins, GP unique name: LocalBrowserDataShareEnabled, GP name: Enable Windows to search local Microsoft Edge browsing data, GP name: Allow suggestions from local providers, Preference Key Name: LocalProvidersEnabled, GP unique name: MSAWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileAllowed, GP name: Allow single sign-on for Microsoft personal sites using this profile, Value Name: MSAWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileAllowed, Preference Key Name: MSAWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileAllowed, GP unique name: ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin, GP name: Sets managed configuration values for websites to specific origins, Value Name: ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin, Preference Key Name: ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin, Preference Key Name: ManagedSearchEngines, GP name: Let users snip a Math problem and get the solution with a step-by-step explanation in Microsoft Edge, GP name: Maximum number of concurrent connections to the proxy server, Preference Key Name: MaxConnectionsPerProxy, GP unique name: MediaRouterCastAllowAllIPs, GP name: Allow Google Cast to connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses, Preference Key Name: MediaRouterCastAllowAllIPs, GP name: Enable usage and crash-related data reporting (obsolete), Preference Key Name: MetricsReportingEnabled, GP unique name: MicrosoftEdgeInsiderPromotionEnabled, GP name: Microsoft Edge Insider Promotion Enabled, Value Name: MicrosoftEdgeInsiderPromotionEnabled, Preference Key Name: MicrosoftEdgeInsiderPromotionEnabled, GP unique name: MicrosoftEditorProofingEnabled, GP name: Spell checking provided by Microsoft Editor, Value Name: MicrosoftEditorProofingEnabled, Preference Key Name: MicrosoftEditorProofingEnabled, GP unique name: MicrosoftEditorSynonymsEnabled, GP name: Synonyms are provided when using Microsoft Editor spell checker, Value Name: MicrosoftEditorSynonymsEnabled, Preference Key Name: MicrosoftEditorSynonymsEnabled, GP unique name: MicrosoftOfficeMenuEnabled, GP name: Allow users to access the Microsoft Office menu (deprecated), Preference Key Name: MicrosoftOfficeMenuEnabled, GP unique name: MicrosoftRootStoreEnabled, GP name: Determines whether the Microsoft Root Store and built-in certificate verifier will be used to verify server certificates (deprecated), Preference Key Name: MicrosoftRootStoreEnabled, GP unique name: NativeWindowOcclusionEnabled, GP name: Enable Native Window Occlusion (deprecated), GP unique name: NavigationDelayForInitialSiteListDownloadTimeout, GP name: Set a timeout for delay of tab navigation for the Enterprise Mode Site List, Value Name: NavigationDelayForInitialSiteListDownloadTimeout, Preference Key Name: NetworkPredictionOptions, GP unique name: NetworkServiceSandboxEnabled, GP name: Enable the network service sandbox, GP unique name: NonRemovableProfileEnabled, GP name: Configure whether a user always has a default profile automatically signed in with their work or school account, GP unique name: OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled, GP name: Origin-keyed agent clustering enabled by default, Value Name: OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled, Preference Key Name: OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled, On Windows and macOS since 102, until 105, GP name: Allow users to access the Outlook menu (obsolete), Preference Key Name: OutlookHubMenuEnabled, GP unique name: OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin, GP name: Control where security restrictions on insecure origins apply, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin, Preference Key Name: OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin, GP name: Secure mode and Certificate-based Digital Signature validation in native PDF reader, GP name: XFA support in native PDF reader enabled, GP unique name: PaymentMethodQueryEnabled, GP name: Allow websites to query for available payment methods, Preference Key Name: PaymentMethodQueryEnabled, GP unique name: PersonalizationReportingEnabled, GP name: Allow personalization of ads, Microsoft Edge, search, news and other Microsoft services by sending browsing history, favorites and collections, usage and other browsing data to Microsoft, Value Name: PersonalizationReportingEnabled, Preference Key Name: PersonalizationReportingEnabled, GP name: Enable Proactive Authentication (obsolete), Preference Key Name: ProactiveAuthEnabled, GP name: Enable full-tab promotional content, Preference Key Name: PromotionalTabsEnabled, GP unique name: PromptForDownloadLocation, GP name: Ask where to save downloaded files, Preference Key Name: PromptForDownloadLocation, GP unique name: PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates, GP name: Prompt the user to select a certificate when multiple certificates match, Value Name: PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates, Preference Key Name: PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates, GP name: Enables Microsoft Edge mini menu, Preference Key Name: QuickSearchShowMiniMenu, GP unique name: QuickViewOfficeFilesEnabled, GP name: Manage QuickView Office files capability in Microsoft Edge, Preference Key Name: QuickViewOfficeFilesEnabled, GP unique name: RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerPreventBHOInstall, GP name: Prevent install of the BHO to redirect incompatible sites from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge, Value Name: RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerPreventBHOInstall. If a site matches a URL pattern in this policy, the ScreenCaptureAllowed will not be considered. If you set this policy, it allows a particular resolution to be specified for use when rasterizing PDFs for printing. Setting this policy may expose your network to attacks. In both cases, users can't change or override the setting. If you set this policy to false, or don't set it, AppCache will follow Microsoft Edge's defaults. ProxyDisabled (direct) = Never use a proxy, ProxyAutoDetect (auto_detect) = Auto detect proxy settings, ProxyPacScript (pac_script) = Use a .pac proxy script, ProxyFixedServers (fixed_servers) = Use fixed proxy servers, ProxyUseSystem (system) = Use system proxy settings. We recommend a horizontal logo with a transparent background that is left-aligned and vertically centered. Instead, the browser will attempt navigate to internal sites that may not exist in an organization's intranet. The richer formats may not be well-supported in some paste destinations and/or websites. From Microsoft Edge 93 onwards, if policy ImplicitSignInEnabled is disabled, this policy will not take any effect. If you don't enable and configure this policy, Microsoft Edge Update automatically checks for updates. Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that are allowed to run JavaScript. Note: This policy does not provide an option to exclude specific domains. If this policy isn't set there's no restriction on printing background graphics. Because certificates are valid for a given hostname, independent of the scheme, port, or path, only the hostname part of the URL is considered. If you don't configure this policy, 'AskGeolocation' is used and the user can change it. Connection errors might occur more often. Disabling the policy or not configuring the policy doesn't turn off Site Isolation. Sign in to the Power Platform admin center. You can also use VPN Gateway to send encrypted traffic between Azure virtual networks over the Microsoft network. If you disable this policy, features won't be able to download assets needed for them to run correctly. URL patterns can't conflict with FileSystemReadAskForUrls. Learn more about Family Safety here: ( The Experimentation and Configuration Service is used to deploy Experimentation and Configuration payloads to the client. The Microsoft Editor service provides enhanced spell and grammar checking for editable text fields on web pages. Since user agent strings can be modified, this information is unverified. It also does not control if DNS-over-HTTPS is used; Microsoft Edge always uses the built-in resolver for DNS-over-HTTPS requests. If you enable or disable this policy, 'Intelligent enablement of Single sign-on (SSO) for all Windows Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) accounts for users with a single non-Azure AD Microsoft Edge profile' will be turned off. If you enable this policy, the First-run experience and the splash screen will not be shown to users when they run Microsoft Edge for the first time. Because ECH is an evolving protocol, Microsoft Edge's implementation is subject to change. If you disable or don't configure this policy, the default value of 30 days is used. If you don't configure this policy, users can choose whether the set URL or the new tab page is their home page. Note that if you use the --ie-mode-file-url command line argument for launching local mht or mhtml files, it takes precedence over how you configured this policy. These policies are limited to 1000 entries; subsequent entries are ignored. If you set this policy to 2, access is denied. If you don't configure this policy, users will be able to turn sync on or off. This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain or Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances enrolled for device management. This policy overrides the following individual policies: ProxyMode URL patterns can't conflict with FileSystemWriteAskForUrls. Windows Server 2019 is built on the strong foundation of Windows Server 2016 and brings numerous innovations on four key themes: Hybrid Cloud, Security, Application Platform, and Hyper-Converged If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will use the old SmartScreen library (libSmartScreen). Shows the Home button on Microsoft Edge's toolbar. Each list item of the policy is a string that contains an extension ID and, optionally, an "update" URL separated by a semicolon (;). You can allow images on all sites ('AllowImages') or block them on all sites ('BlockImages'). This policy does not affect the proxy configuration of Microsoft Edge outside of Application Guard (on the host). This policy will only take effect when policy ConfigureOnPremisesAccountAutoSignIn is enabled and set to 'SignInAndMakeDomainAccountNonRemovable'. Restricts the UDP port range used by WebRTC to a specified port interval (endpoints included). If you disable this policy, payment info isn't imported at first run, and users can't import it manually. See Move resources to new resource group or subscription. Allow Microsoft Edge to issue a dataless connection to a web service to probe networks for connectivity in cases like hotel and airport Wi-Fi. For example, if a website uses the JavaScript default locale to format dates, the names of the days and months can be displayed in one language while the surrounding text is displayed in another language. 1 = Force sync to be turned on for Azure AD/Azure AD-Degraded user profile and do not show the sync consent prompt. When enabled, the User-Agent Client Hints GREASE Update feature aligns the User-Agent GREASE algorithm with the latest version from the specification. This policy will be removed in Microsoft Edge for Microsoft Windows and macOS once support for using the platform supplied certificate verifier and roots are planned to be removed. If you enable this policy or don't configure it, users can invoke in-app support. See for more details. You can also set this policy as a recommendation. If you disable this policy, Cookies aren't imported on first run. If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can choose their own home page, as long as the HomepageIsNewTabPage policy isn't enabled. This setting works in conjunction with: Solution #2: Handle duplicate rows during query. This component allows Microsoft to provide a list similar to that of the AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins policy, allowing certain external protocols to launch without prompt or blocking certain protocols (on specified origins). Using this policy, you may control the behavior of the Hardware-enforced Stack Protection feature after a crash triggered by this feature is encountered. 'DefaultSearchProviderName' should be set to an organization-approved encrypted search provider that corresponds to the encrypted search provider set in DTBC-0008. However, users will be allowed to set exceptions to allow insecure mixed content for specific sites. Configure the list of URL patterns that specify which sites can use the clipboard site permission. If you don't provide a domain name or leave this policy unset, users can access Google Workspace with any account. Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that are allowed to perform multiple automatic downloads in quick succession. Users' browsing data will not be imported when a redirection happens. WebAssembly modules to windows and workers in the same origin. Note that other restrictions may still apply. Starting in Microsoft Edge 84, you can set this policy as a recommended policy. If you don't configure this policy, browsing history data is imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import it manually during later browsing sessions. Select + Add subnet, then enter Private for Subnet name and for Subnet address range. Block web page elements that aren't from the domain that's in the address bar from setting cookies. If you enable this policy or don't configure it, users will be able to use the Settings option to ensure non-MSA profiles are able to use single sign-on for Microsoft sites using MSA credentials present on the machine provided only a single MSA account exists on the machine. If you configure this policy to 'BingSafeSearchNoRestrictionsMode', SafeSearch in Bing search falls back to the value. Not all deprecated Web Platform features can be re-enabled. If you enable this policy or leave it unset, Basic authentication challenges received over non-secure HTTP will be allowed. If you don't set this policy, the global default value will be used. Set 'BlockDangerousDownloads' to allow all downloads except for those that carry Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings of known dangerous downloads or that have dangerous file type extensions. On the Exclude tab, add a checkmark to Users and groups and then select Select In both cases, users can't change or override the setting. Setting to "Enabled" sets media autoplay to "Allow". Users can also optionally tell Microsoft Edge to use Internet Explorer mode for the site in the future. User settings to enable or disable the Pin to taskbar wizard aren't available. * is not an accepted value for this policy. If you disable this policy, users can't access the Outlook menu. The local IP address is concealed with an mDNS hostname. They are tried in the order provided. Users' browsing data will be imported every time user encounters such redirection (ONLY IF user consents to it on the one-time dialog). It is backwards-compatible and will not affect connections to compliant TLS 1.2 servers or proxies. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will only send usage data if the Windows Diagnostic data setting is set to Enhanced or Full. Behind the scenes, the policy allows URLs with the viewinfileexplorer: scheme to open WebDAV URLs in Windows File Explorer on pages matching the list of domains and uses the cookies you specified for WebDAV authentication. The printer types on the deny list won't be discovered or have their capabilities fetched. This policy applies on a frame-by-frame basis and not based on top level origin url alone, so e.g. This setting works in conjunction with: The inequality operator != returns true if its operands aren't equal, false otherwise. In order for Certificate Transparency enforcement to be disabled, you must set the hash to a subjectPublicKeyInfo appearing in a CA certificate that is recognized as a legacy certificate authority (CA). The URL patterns defined in this policy can't conflict with those configured in the SerialBlockedForUrls policy. If you set this policy to Type42, Microsoft Edge will render text using Type 42 fonts if possible. If you enable this policy, you'll be prompted to switch to another account if the current profile doesn't work for the requesting link. Since Network Fetches for the PAC file happen via Windows instead of Microsoft Edge code, network policies such as DnsOverHttpsMode will not apply to network fetches for a PAC file. Note that pattern matches are case sensitive. If you enable this policy, the option to manually import the home page setting is automatically selected. Each favorite contains the keys "name" and "url," which hold the favorite's name and its target. When printing a PDF using the Print to image option, it can be beneficial to specify a print resolution other than a device's printer setting or the PDF default. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge tries to seamlessly authenticate to websites and services using the account which is signed-in to the browser. Disable this policy to not send info about websites visited in Microsoft Edge to Microsoft. Some methods that would normally invoke sidebar search will invoke a traditional search instead. Instead, the file will be saved to the file system using the browser. OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 96. The mini menu is triggered on text selection and has basic actions like copy and smart actions like definitions. request header that reports version Checks for updates will not be well-supported in some paste destinations and/or websites the specification and does n't off. 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