Then we come to them all sitting down for dinner at 8.30pm to 8.45pm. The McCanns say the photo was taken at 2.29pm on Thursday 3 May. Lourenco supplied the police with a photograph he said he had taken of the mans car. BERLIN Madeleine McCann, the British girl who disappeared in Portugal in 2007 aged just three, is dead, Germany's prosecutor said on Thursday after identifying an imprisoned German child abuser as a murder suspect. he room forensically cleaned of any blood? Chapter 7: Suspicious behaviour and contradictions. Specific indications that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April We have set out why we believe that Madeleine died, and why she could not have died after 6pm on Thursday 3 May, as claimed by Portuguese detectives. Besides that, the times shown for Madeleine being in the creche do not even agree with what Kate McCann says in her own book about the events of that week. But for the purposes of this paper, we shall assume that she was there at 6pm.. Later on, the evidence suggests that the McCanns and their friends dined at the Tapas restaurant. Shortly afterwards, he was removed as a translator. He was on an extended stay in England (Devon) when the McCanns went on holiday to Praia da Luz in 2007, 4. If that analysis is correct, this shows evidence of cunning planning and deception, amounting to perverting the course of justice. From that moment on, no other person saw the little girl, apart from her parents and their friends. A preliminary point to raise is: were the twins present when, according to the PJ theory, Madeleine died? Only one other photo of Madeleine was taken that week, the so-called Tennis Balls Photo. This was confirmed by Kate McCanns own account of the events of that week, in her book, Madeleine, which did nothing to remove all the question marks about the many contradictions and inconsistencies about what really happened that week. Catriona Baker was in sole charge of the Lobsters creche of seven children (including Madeleine) the week the McCanns were in Praia da Luz. It appeared in a short film made by Madeleines godfather, film-maker Jon Corner. Quite apart from anything else, why did he delay for six days reporting a man taking photos of children on a beach and who later that day tried to kidnap his daughter? German prosecutors said they have "strong evidence" that missing UK toddler Madeleine McCann is dead, as . Chapter 6: The arrival of the English Police. There are two different versions of who made the booking, which in itself is strange. (ii) What shall we all do after we raise the alarm? Madeleine McCann was a 3-year-old British toddler when she went missing on the evening of May 3, 2007, during a family holiday trip in Portugal. BERLIN Madeleine McCann, the British girl who disappeared in Portugal in 2007 aged just three, is dead, Germany's prosecutor said on Thursday after . The Daily Telegraph described the disappearance as "the most heavily reported missing-person case in modern history". Three-year-old Madeleine McCann vanished from a Portuguese holiday apartment almost 15 years ago. We have said that Madeleine was seen alive on Sunday 29th April at lunch-time. The Portuguese police became convinced that this must be the man whom Jane Tanners evidence suggested had abducted Madeleine. Secondary School before graduating from the University of Glasgow with a BSc in physiology/sports science in 1989. There is real doubt as to whether that is a genuine photo of Madeleine - for a start two different people claim to have taken that photograph and on two different days. By Reuters. However, she (of course) failed to mention that the dog had been right all along. Whilst this doesnt prove that Jane Tanner and Robert Murat were in Krokowskis apartment that week, it certainly raises at least the possibility that they were. "It is now important to present a summary of this case, based on our deductions: reject what is false, throw out what we can't show with sufficient certainty and validate that which can be proven. Madeleine would have been happily playing with her brother and sister, her friends in the Lobsters club, and her Mum and Dad for six days. Here, quite apart from the matters dealt with above, are several other specific indications that an abduction hoax was indeed planned over a four-day period: The relevant facts are these. Within weeks of reporting Madeleines disappearance, the McCanns planned events to mark her disappearance, far in advance. Where can we get a car quickly so as to hide it? Friday 22 April 2022, 9:14am. 'So they are suspects. Amaral and his team (rightly) rejected all claims by the McCanns that Madeleine was alive after 6pm on 3 May because, obviously, they were made by someone who was not independent. Could they have discussed this desperate situation bilaterally? With the body already hidden by that time? From this, the police were able to trace the man who was driving the car. This issue was very fully addressed in Richard D. Halls third film about Madeleine McCann: When Madeleine Died? Without necessarily agreeing with every specific point he makes in that documentary, we adopt his main conclusions, so far as they go. Even had they all rapidly agreed to go along with an abduction hoax later that evening at 10pm, there would be all manner of questions and suggestions. A raft of evidence . The German man, who was not publicly named, lived in the Algarve between 1995 and 2007 and burgled hotels and holiday apartments as well as dealing drugs, German police said. They would have to deal with the initial shock of what had happened. Chapter 8: A man with a child in his arms. But we suggest that instead of having four hours to plan an abduction hoax, they actually had four days. What time shall we get her to say she saw someone? Now lets examine why we say she died on the Sunday. An urgent new arrest warrant has been issued for the prime suspect in the disappearance of British toddler Madeleine McCann over a series of rapes and horrific child sex abuse. Almost 15 years after the disappearance of Madeleine McCann while on a family holiday in Portugal in 2007, police . His co-author, Robbyn Swan, said: "Essentially the Portuguese cops' case against the McCann's involved the following: that she died by accident on May 3; that the supposed checks on the children . Later, when re-interviewed by the Portuguese police on 10 and 11 July, after police had interrogated his mobile phone, and discovered that the account he had earlier given of his movements was false, he completely changed his story, claiming he had been too tired on 15 May to tell the truth. She had had blue eye shadow put on her. 7 April: Three . 29, 11 Jun 2020; For over 15 years, police have been searching for Madeleine McCann. There is real doubt as to whether that is a genuine photo of Madeleine - for a start two different people claim to have taken that photograph and on two different days. New research in this section points to Madeleines death being on the Sunday or Monday and not Thursday 3rd May. C. The absence of photographs of Madeleine taken after Sunday. G. The mystery of the strange 'Make-Up Photo' of Madeleine, which appears to have been taken on Sunday 29th April. Chapter 5: The days that followed. We also need to bear in mind that on the basis of the PJ theory as it stands, this was a holiday to a place the McCanns had never been to before. Repairs to the shutters of the McCanns apartment were needed on the Monday; Ocean Club staff came to mend them that day. To sum up, there is no photographic evidence that Madeleine was alive after Sunday lunchtime (apart from the Make-Up photo - see below). A regional prosecutor's office is investigating a 43-year-old German national on suspicion of murder. In the Last Photo, which appears to have been taken on Sunday, she was happy and obviously smiling at something that amused her. Madeleine McCann may have been sold to trafficking ring before death: prosecutor . Kate McCanns refusal in an interview under caution to answer any one of 48 questions put to her by the police. Until they do speak, we will never know everything. The absence of confirmed photos of Madeleine on the holiday from the Last Photo onwards. He did this to create the entirely false impression that two former police officers he employed for a period, Dave Edgar and Arthur Cowley, were lead detectives of a company called Alpha Investigations Group. Schneider, 50, a former TV reporter, said: "I do not give out such information . There is good evidence that the so-called Last Photo of Madeleine was taken at lunchtime on Sunday 29 April and not at lunchtime on Thursday 3 May as claimed by the McCanns. We agree with his explanation, which can be viewed here:, Specific indications that Madeleine died on Sunday 29 April. Here is what each of the two men actually wrote: This was how Tavares de Almeida expressed the investigations preliminary conclusion I will just reproduce his first six points: From everything that we have discovered, our files result in the following conclusions: 1 the minor Madeleine McCann died in Apartment 5A at the Ocean Club resort in Praia da Luz, 2 simulation - a staged hoax - of an abduction took place, 3 in order to render the childs death impossible before 10.00pm, a situation of checking of the McCann couples children while they slept was concocted. That knowledge is derived from multiple sources and is based on the voluntary efforts of many people, not least those who have set up websites of information and discussion about the case, voluntary Portuguese- English translators and so many others who have given freely of their time and expertise. When he was asked at an interview under caution in Portugal on 15 May 2007 what he had been doing in Portugal during his first four days there (1-4 May), he lied about his actions in at least 17 material respects. Some even suggest that Gerry McCann went back to the apartment during the meal, picked up his dead daughter, clad in her pyjamas, and carried her for about half a mile or more through the streets of Praia da Luz, being seen at 10pm by the Smith family, who negligently failed to do anything about their extraordinary sighting for 13 days afterwards. She said she spoke to a friend of hers, Edna Glyn, while the crying was going on, but neither of them did anything about it. The McCanns seemed to know influential people in the TV media and were successful in contacting them in the early hours of the morning and getting headline news about Madeleines disappearance onto the early Friday morning bulletins. We finally decide to question her (Kate McCann) as a witness, but not to pose questions on the events after 5.30pm, the time at which she returned to the apartment with her three children. Evidence that a group planned in advance how to create a major news story on the morning of Friday 4 May. After jogging on the beach and going to fetch the twins, she collected Maddie at 5.30pm. A basic check of other . So we suggest that all these things must have all happened, in approximately this order: They would first have to decide if Madeleine really was dead, or could be revived or resuscitated. Can we get all this done before 8.30pm, when were supposed to meet our friends for dinner? What indications do we have about when she died? A raft of evidence, but especially comparative weather records for the week, point in that direction. Home; Services. No-one else heard a child crying loudly for 75 minutes that night. Well, that depends on whether or not one accepts as gospel the claims of Gerry and Kate McCann, Catriona Baker and Charlotte Pennington that Madeleine was at a high tea in the Tapas restaurant from (according to Gerry McCann) 4.45pm onwards to about 6pm. Michael led the team of investigators which in 2007 located the boat on which Madeleine was being held and who were denied permission to launch a rescue bid, to their intense frustration. Analysis of their statements, which inadvertently reveal many clues about what really happened to Madeleine, The huge involvement of the government and security services in this case, including Gordon Browns personal interventions in the Portuguese investigation at the request of Gerry McCann, and the involvement of MI5, Special Branch, and the government-backed Control Risks group. dogs had alerted to dirty nappies, not the odour of a corpse, Kate Michael Shrimpton reacts to this week's overblown reports of a 'fresh' development in the Madeleine McCann case. The 17 alerts by two cadaver dogs, used by dog top handler Martin Grime, to the odour of a corpse and to blood or body fluids, in locations associated with the McCanns or on their clothes, is prima facie evidence that Madeleine died (or was killed) in the McCanns holiday apartment.

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