WebBefore we begin, you need to know that Italian schools can be: public: State-funded private: funded through school fees, namely the sums of money paid by the students. Certain jurisdictions provide their residents or citizens with certain rights about their Personal Information. Fantastic! Nevertheless, according to Piagets theory of cognitive development (2), reflective thinking only arises after the eleventh year, when adolescents are capable of making assumptions that are not necessarily related to concrete reality: they can uncouple their thinking from present times, ideate theories and elaborate thoughts which are not bound to their beliefs. Thus, studying Latin would help to better conceptualize foreign languages. Therefore, in the following lesson were going to clear up any confusion about this topic! And most of our test are oral test. More interested students are more willing to deepen their knowledge, to search for more detailed information, to spend more time studying a certain subject. Teachers tend to use only one method to teach, giving a lecture. Beyond this gap in equipment, although Italian students are more prone than students living in other OECD countries to research through the web, they get lost more easily during browsing. She has served as an Ethics Fellow at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai since 2018. In Italy, if the teacher decides not to show up (which happens a lot), the studentshave no class at all and can do whatever they want!! You could easily include a rank-statistic though. Traditionally in the most prestigious high schools (Liceo Classico, Liceo Scientifico, Liceo Linguistico and Liceo delle Scienze Umane), grades vary within a limited range, between 2 and 8, often with each professor applying his/her own custom. Personal Information cannot be collected via cookies and other tracking technology, however, if you previously provided us with your Personal Information, cookies may be tied to such information. Encryption is a common method of ensuring that information remains private. In Italy, my school starts at 8:30 and ends at 1:10, while in the US, my school starts at 7:45 and ends at 3:00. Also, in response to another comment, "38% of the graduates get 105/100 or more" - that takes into account master courses where it is easier to earn a higher grade. Carpenter, S. K., et al., Appearances can be deceiving: instructor fluency increases perceptions of learning without increasing actual learning, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2013. From thisverysubstantial difference, I can state that the Italian, like European, high school system is more rigorous, academically speaking. For these reasons, the very first years of school should be merely dedicated to emotionally engage children with words and numbers. Is my first time going to high school inItaly but do you write entrance exam, My first time attending school i wanted to ask if they write entrance exam. Todaymarks 2 months of going to an Italian high school! Before their first sighting, theyll have only seen cheerleaders on TV. For children age 14-16, Greenheart International takes additional steps to protect their Personal Information. However, in middle school the same study program is proposed again, and something similar happens when students move to high school. My italian daughter is in the USA having the opposite experience . Driving, laundry, time and food are definitely very interesting theme in the Italian culture, the italian schhol is thye best in the world. These links are for your convenience. U.S. grading system: Why discrete grades? We use such information in the aggregate to understand how our users as a group use the services and resources provided on our websites. After school at 1:10 they go straight home and study for hours. A brilliant example is represented by Quillette, which publishes informative articles written by young researchers, scholars and well-educated citizens in general. Yes, in Italy there is still the medieval schema of the teacher at the center, whith the students having a low importance. A-, A, A+ (Excellent): 27-30/30 and 30/30 plus honors. Hi Sienna. oral which consists in the presentation of a work on a specific topic including all the studied subjects. The Italian schooling system is deeply anchored in a humanistic-centred vision of the world. Professional Technical High School: in this type of school in addition to common subjects, students can acquire practical-technical skills, suited to the entry into employment, in sectors like: ITF (Vocational education and training): in this type of school, students acquire practical and professional skills. Here, in America, you have just one choice. On the other hand, charisma could be oriented towards teachers empathic skills, with the aim of improving the relationship with students. I go to a language school, but there are so many different types of schools including art school, classical school, cooking school, technical school, etc. Maturita, which means maturity [in Italian], is conceived as the greatest evidence of our educational journey, said a student at Banfi. Children would learn how to play an instrument, how to paint and sculpt and how to make sense of computers and other technologies. Italian high schoolsdont have parking lots; in compact and public-transport-friendly Europe, students takebuses, trains, tramsand/or bikes to school. Is there any way to get Saturdays to be days of relaxation in the classroom? I hope that your message will hit the right persons that can do something to improve the schools and to consider them an investiment for the future (and not a cost). Also, many more Italian American men and women are now in policy and administrative ranks throughout the school system. Students study. First of all, the main difference is that Italian high school lasts five years instead of four years, and during these five years we have the same classmates. First of all, the main difference is that Italian high school lasts five years instead of four years, and during these five years we have the same classmates. Actually my thoughts are that five years is a long time, but you are definitely more mature to deal with the university experience. You just go to school to study and then go home. You could also ignore credit hours, or assume they're roughly the same across courses. Examples include clickstream data and web-browsing information (such as the date and time you visit a website, whether you click on various advertisements or links and the search terms you enter when using a website), and information about your computer, device and internet connection, and geographic location. But making mistakes is how we learn. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? arrl field day 2022 log submission; cost function formula; examine the bases of international trade Raelin, J. Although performance in mathematics looks less discouraging, among the top performing students still only one male out of four sees himself working as an engineer or a scientist in the future, while only one female out of eight feels the same. Anyway, here are my observations about the differences between Italian school and school in the US. On the other hand, I think you could probably just explain how the grading works (perhaps in your cover letter) and anyone would understand that this is an excellent mark. A picture of me in the newspaper while our class attended a lecture on the Mafia. Hi ,so I may be going to italy to do my high school and I am really scared to.A lot of my friends have gone there even though they dont know the language at all and they have passed but I feel like if I went I would immediantly fail.Its just so scaryyy. There is also no doubt that repetition of concepts can help to memorize key events that happened in history, and at least allow the students to become familiar with historical progression. In fact, if you convert between IT and US, you get the percentages above. In Italy, the teachers are just there to teach. Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 10:01 9.2MB). A primary (or elementary) school, between age 6 and 11 (five years); A middle (or junior high) school, between age 11 and 14 (three years); A secondary (or high) school, between age 15 and 19, or, alternatively, a professional school at least until age 18. It varies from Humanities and Social Sciences to Environmental or Applied Sciences, and even Linguistics. To get a score higher than 70, you have to not only answer the questions perfectly correctly but also insert new knowledge into your answers that you obtained from reading outside the course material. We never use more creative methods to learn or do other activities in class. A second study performed in 2013 demonstrated that students can overestimate the proficiency of their professors teaching, thus overestimating their actual learning. A 10 is nearly impossible to get, a 6 is the borderline between passing and failing a class, and a 2 is pretty much the lowest grade you can get. Im looking forward to reading more about this. This article contributes to this debate by focusing on a sample of students in the final year of schooling in three schools in northern Italy. Taking challenges is part of life. I think having got 103/110 you can safely conclude your degree is equivalent to a UK first. A lot. In fact, while students browsing activity in Italy is intensive, a 2015 OECD report shows that its quality was below average (10). In the US, you get letter grades: A, B, C, D, or F. Here, its number grades from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest. By they way, this is not meant to offend anyone, these are just MY observations about MY Italian school. The Italian compulsory education relies upon a fairly antiquated system, which is in urgent need of renovation. The Your email address will not be published. Nowadays, using the Internet is the easiest and fastest way to access experimentally corroborated scientific knowledge, which is, to date, the most reliable source of information we have. On a side note, cheerleaders are perhaps the central manifestation of American school spirit. Primary and middle schools, as they are conceived today, have poor reasons to exist. Also open notes tests dont exist in Italy. Although it is becoming more and more difficult for an Italian citizen to obtain a tenured position especially in the middle school/high school sector once this professional status is reached, it is virtually impossible for a professor to lose their job. This can happen by attending secondary school until completion, starting an apprenticeship, or taking professional courses. In the US, the teachers arent just their to teach, they are there to help the students understand what they are learning. She noticed that Italian school has a different schedule than American school. Your individual rights will depend on your residency and citizenship. When I was very young, I used to pass out worksheets to my stuffed animals and teach lessons, but that is about as far as I got. Italian School. Italiano Colloquiale: Parole ed Espressioni per Tutti i Giorni, https://media.blubrry.com/learnamo/content.blubrry.com/learnamo/sistema-scolastico.mp3. Examples include: Greenheart International collects other information that relates to you but does not identify you. The teachers are your friends, you can laugh with them, hang out with them during lunch, and talk about anything with them (well, most of them lol). Even if its just a whisper shell start yelling at us and lecturing us about how shes the teacher and we should listen to her! For instance, at my university, the Polytechnic of Turin, the average grade for my course last year was 97.1 for a Bachelor's degree. One test can determine your career path for the future. Required fields are marked *. Thanks so much for the reply. On the other side, spineless professors with personalities unsuited to teaching can demotivate students, who might permanently lose interest in their subjects. The Italian compulsory education system has become fairly old-fashioned and it cannot keep up anymore with several anthropological shifts that Western civilizations have been facing in the last couple of decades. If you pass it, youll go to next grade, otherwise you are bocciato and you have to stay in the same grade, studying everything again without go the next one. My Italian school has vending machines with snacks all over school as well as coffee vending machines if you just want coffee. Im still at a loss about schools being six days a week as well as students never needing to leave the classroom except for the single 15 minute break. This way, professors could really make the Internet a vehicle to gain knowledge. Photo source: Greenme.it. I like it, but it is definitely weird for me, having hundreds of kids every week just staring at me while I speak. 5 Years: In America, being a 19 year old 5 year senior is never a good thing. The teachers are NOT your friends. I have survived! To pass the class, you have to get at least a 6. Failed a reading state exam in America? Hope you enjoyed reading this and found it helpful! Beyond this, middle school students have to choose and apply to a high school. : starting them out young. Third parties who provide webhosting services or other services that make possible the operation of Greenheart International websites and the services you request through the websites may have access to information that you provide us to the extent that those third parties require access to our databases to service the websites. November 7 2022. italian school system compared to americannormalized mean square error definition. Greenheart International cannot guarantee or warrant that the information that you transmit to us, or any communications is completely secure. She speaks about the different hour schedule of Italian school than American school. This essay is to analyse similarities and differences between Finnish System of Education and Italian System of Education. Theres a wide and diverse selection of Italian universities like: scientific departments(Mathematics, Physics, Astrophysics, Chemistry), humanities faculty(Literatures, Philosophy, Foreign Languages, Cultural Heritage). Students were confronted with a lecturer, who exhibited a certain mode of speaking and behaving. They are just your teachers, and their only job is to teach. A teaching style that appears fluent and persuasive does not seem to positively correlate with actual learning. I appreciate the insight. Nevertheless, we can immediately point at what is not a prerequisite to achieve this goal: future professors are not required to complete a personality test. The main difference is that Italian high schools dont have gymnasiums and adjacent athletic fields. The main difference between an international (generally speaking) and the Italian system, lies in the duration of Middle and Upper school. Automatically when you visit Greenheart International websites (n.b., the only Personal Information we automatically collect is your IP address, which is only considered Personal Information in certain circumstances). I cant believe it. Each day is dedicated for a five-hour learning session. I feel like everything is tinier here, its really cute! Luckily I havent had to take this kind of test yet since Im an exchange student! Students are tested in any of the 10 subjects that theyve taken, and the questions cover all the material theyve studied during the 5 years of high school. Ive been in shock as Ive been reading. Thus, given that young Italian people ignore the historical roots that gave birth to the society they live in, they are left with no tools to comprehend the political forces that guide their nation and to make informed decisions and choices on the future of their country. Historically, examples of teachers with permanent positions that lose their jobs due to didactic incompetence are anecdotal: it happened once in 1987, and a second time in 2015. We can mention a few. Do you think a 16 year old student from america would do good in the Italian learning environment, or even just in the community? e American school system, 10 For a comparison, of creating a loyal Italian-American community integrated into American society . And I actually find very few similarities between my high school experience and what my students lives are like. One should be mature, a problem-solver, and ready to learn a new language. Wikipedia shows this conversion table for percentage to letter grade and grade point: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic_grading_in_the_United_States. Or Follow our Instagram to stay up on new posts and articles. Im Italian, and have lived in Italy my whole life. You enter school at 8:30 and leave right away at 1:10. There are apps online that will run the conversions for you. There is a much less sense of school pride and spirit; school is a place to take classes, and nothing beyond that. This is probablywhat characterizesmostItalian schools than American ones. Now see what they are wearing? We may determine what technology is available through your browser to provide you with the most appropriate version of a web page. This means that you need to know less to pass an exam and you are considered with great results with much less than IT. (2h a week) and I think thats it. WebIn Italian primary and secondary school a 10-point scale is used, 6 being the minimum grade for passing. Change). Sounds like an entirely different atmosphere because all of the students will get to know each other very well throughout the year. These may include the right to request access to the data we hold about you, to obtain a copy of your Personal Information, to request that your Personal Information be erased, to correct inaccurate information, to ask us to restrict how we process your Personal Information, or to withdraw your consent to our processing of your Personal Information. That Italian school than American school study performed in 2013 demonstrated that students overestimate! On new posts and articles 10-point scale is used, 6 being the minimum grade passing. School and school in the classroom than it or Applied Sciences, and even Linguistics students takebuses, trains tramsand/or! I think thats it get the percentages above the most appropriate version a! Italian school and school in the presentation of a work on a note! 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