The relative importance of manufacturing and trade varies between districts. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! Three out of four working children (74%) are employed in the private informal sector. Here is a sneak preview of the major tribes and ethnic groups in Ghana. Communities with no light whatsoever range from 1 per cent in Builsa to 3.5 per cent in Bongo. The political administration of the region is through the local government system. The already existing large proportion of the unemployed poses a challenge for job creation. They speak the Ewe language. At the JSS level, the proportion of trained teachers is 80 percent, ranging from 71.7 per cent in Kassena- Nankana to 94.4 per cent in Bawku West. Distribution of institutional sector by sex shows that the private informal sector remains the largest employer of the working population for both males and females in every district. Disposal at a Public dump refers to the situation where the household disposes solid waste at a locally recognized place. Programmes on the empowerment of women to improve upon the role and status of women, through adult literacy programmes, girl-child education and income generating activities for women, should be promoted to enable females to participate fully in the development process. What is common to these three northern regions however is that they have an average household size larger than the national average of 5.1 persons per household. For example 45.8 per cent at the national level attained up to middle/JSS, while at the regional level it is 22.7 percent. The Upper East region is located in the North Eastern part of Ghana covering a total area of 8,842km2. The three major industrial activities are Agriculture, including Hunting and Forestry, Wholesale and Retail trade, and Manufacturing. Only 2 towns, Garu and Pusiga have grown from rural to urban localities since 1984. Markets abound for these crafts in countries such as Britain, Germany and the USA. Together, the three account for between 88.3 per cent and 96.0 per cent of the working population in the districts. The observed proportion of the population separated in the region is about the same as the total country figure of 1.8 percent. In spite of this improvement in the educational sector, a substantial proportion of the population, in each district, has never attended school. Given the community secondary schools concept, there is much more to do in order to provide SSS facilities in the districts. The Upper East Region of Ghana contains 13 districts made up of 2 municipal and 11 ordinary district. It lies between longitude 0 and 1 West, and latitudes 10 30N and 11N. The unemployed constitute 20.1 percent, which is almost twice the national figure of 10.4 percent. Sources of income Sale of farm produce, leather and craft works. In most cases, accessibility is determined more by competition as well as individual students and/or parental choice than by the proximity of the institutions. Among the Mole Dagbon, the major sub-groupings are the Namnam (30.5%), Kusasi (22.6%), Nankani- Gurense (9.2%) and Builsa (7.6%). Thus, this should be an incentive to potential investors. The Mole-Dagbani ethnic . Straw works are also concentrated around Bolgatanga. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. Out of the regions total urban population, the largest proportion of 43.8 per cent is in Bawku East, followed by 34.1 per cent in Bolgatanga, 16.5 per cent in Kassena-Nankana and 5.6 per cent in Bawku West. The region has three Midwifery Schools and one State Registered Nursing School. They include the Akan, Ewe, Mole-Dagbane, Guan, and Ga-Adangbe. Public sector employees make up between 2.5 per cent in Bawku West and 7.0 per cent in Bolgatanga. Careful assessment is needed to identify policies and interventions, appropriate to meet individual district needs and circumstances. Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) supplies pipe-born water to Bolgatanga, Chuchuliga, Zebilla, Bawku, Sandema, Navrongo, Bongo and Paga. They have higher natural fertility but are more difficult to till and are prone to seasonal waterlogging and floods. In the districts, spouses who are separated range from one per cent in Bawku East to 3.4 per cent in Bongo. Livestock and poultry production are also important. This is an indication of a considerable proportion of single person or single parent households. Cultural and social structures So, the innocent community people will definitely have to suffer the chief's unfortunate decision of being an appointed member of government. For liquid waste disposal, the picture is not any better. These are the same three districts with very low levels of school attendance. The indicators show that, for most of the demographic characteristics, the values for the region are not close to those of the country. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. This calls for expansion of the water supply system to meet the entire population. 3). All the districts in Upper East have room occupancy below the threshold value. This varies from 1.3 per cent in Bongo to 43.6 per cent in Bawku East. The district has no hospital, but the clinic is soon to be upgraded into a district hospital. More than four fifths (86.9%) of the children in Builsa are agriculture and related workers. Kassena-Nankana east district of the upper east region of Ghana Abu Abudu1, Stephen Gbedemah2, . Notably among them is the FEOK and the TENGANA festivals which is celebrated by the people in Builsa and Tongo respectively. Whereas in the country as a whole, only 20.2 per cent have access to no facility, in each district of the region, at least three out of every four households have no toilet facility (use bush, farm, etc). The sex ratios reflect the observed pattern which is contrary to the expected pattern of more females than males at the older ages, and may be partly due to exaggeration of age by elderly men. This situation should prompt the Regional Population Council and the District Population Advisory Committees to put in place population management policies aimed at educating the population, through advocacy programmes, on the need of a smaller family size, on a sustainable basis. sewerage system). Birthplace and migratory pattern 2021 Ghana Human Rights Report - Ghana is a constitutional democracy with a strong presidency and a unicameral 275-seat parliament. Other members of the RCC include representatives from each district assembly, regional heads of decentralized ministries, and representatives of the Regional House of Chiefs. Since older men tend to marry younger women, and women survive longer than men on average, husbands are more likely to die earlier leaving more widowed women. The proportion of boys (76.5%) and girls (77.9%) who are in pre-school is about the same. In a region where people seem to be very concerned about privacy during bathing (82.8% have use of a space provided within the house), privacy for toilet facilities seems not to be an important issue, even though this has more serious implications. In Bawku West, 81.6 per cent of localities are 25 kilometres or more away, while in Builsa, the proportion is 68.9 percent. About the same proportion of localities (25.1%) have the nearest post office being 30 kilometres or more away. The proportion of births in the last 12 months, by age of the mother, shows that the proportion at the beginning and at the tail ends of the childbearing ages are very close, indicating continuous child bearing by women in all the districts. This area has vast lands and suitable soil, which if properly exploited, would give high yield of rice. Only the Kusasi and the Busanga constitute more than ten per cent of the population. It is a multiethnic, multilingual, and multireligious country. Sex composition. Builsa has the smallest average household size of 4.9 persons while Bawku East has the largest of 8.2 persons, followed by Bawku West with 6.9 persons. Less than ten per cent of households in each of the other districts use electricity. The district picture does not differ from the region as a whole. Ghana Statistical Service. A few of the children are engaged in mining and quarrying activities (1.5%) in the private household activities (1.7%). Even though some of the clinics and hospitals are owned by non-governmental agencies, the doctors in the 5 hospitals are normally either fully employed by Government or are seconded to the hospitals by the Ministry of Health. Comparison of demographic indicators at the national and regional levels. The fractured zone aquifer is the deepest of the three aquifers. Persons who are not economically active are mainly homemakers (38.3%) and students (19.4%). The Ashanti people are the largest ethnic group in Ghana making up almost 50% of the entire population in the country. For the majority of households (82.6%), the facility is either a public dumpsite or elsewhere at their convenience (Ghana Statistical Service, March 2002), where waste treatment may not be efficient or even exist. Adherence to Traditional religion is predominant in the region. Both these national routes are connected by the N11 which links the regional capital of Bolgatanga to Bimpiela, also in the region. Mining activities however stopped in 1930. The data show that 47.1 per cent of the localities in the region are within 15 kilometres of a hospital, but only 0.6 per cent of these have the facility within the locality. This traditional dance is performed by the Ewe tribe of the Volta Region. There is evidence of high child loss in the districts. Basic education facilities are available in almost all communities. In this predominantly peasant labour intensive agricultural economy, if the district economies do not grow rapidly and jobs are not created sufficiently to match the economically active population, there will be a constant pool of unemployed labour. The major ethnic groups are the Dagaba, Sisaala and Wala. Lack of dedicated transformers for Sandema, Chiana, Pusiga and Zebilla is causing high production down times. The predominant industrial activities for working children in the district are agricultural activities including hunting, and forestry and fishing (85.5%), wholesale and retail trade (5.8%), private household (4.0%) and manufacturing (1.8%). The various water sources are classified by their quality level in relations to their health effects on the consumer. The regions soil is upland soil mainly developed from granite rocks. Ethnic Relations. Data show that proximity of the two adjacent regions (Northern and Upper West) does not appear to be a significant pull factor for migration into the districts. A total of 30 midwives practicing in the Upper East Region of Ghana were purposefully selected. They are thinly spread in the districts. 1. Employees constitute only 6.5 per cent and the self-employed with employees make up 2.7 percent. For the country, 61.8 per cent of households occupy only one or two rooms compared to 24.4 per cent of households in the region. The proportion of eligible males who are never married ranges from 25.5 per cent in Bongo to as highas 36.0 per cent in Bolgatanga. In Builsa (48.8%), Kassena-Nankana (53.1%) and Bolgatanga (47.9%), about half of households use only one or two sleeping rooms. Its administrative capital is Zuarungu, and endowments like cashew, rubber, and Gold are peculiar. In this respect, particular attention should be given to the planting of such drought resistant trees as the cashew, neem, baobab, dawadawa and shea. A partial explanation may be that several of the ethnic languages are only spoken and not written. The age structure of the region differs slightly from the national picture in terms of the broad age groups 0-14 years, 15-64 years, and 65 years and older. While the start-up for primary school is age 6, a few pupils start at age 5. Demographics - Population Within the region there are currently twelve (12) political parliamentary constituencies. The excess of females in the 20-44 age group is lower than the regional value in three districts, Builsa (23.3%), Kassena- Nankana (22.1%) and Bolgatanga (15.2%). Room occupancy. The reality though is that the district is the smallest in area, such that even though the district has only a clinic with one doctor, the distances from this one facility are relatively short. Employees and the self-employed with employees (who could be taxed at source) make up less than a tenth in every district except the Kassena-Nankana (10.5%) and Bolgatanga (13.8%). For example, a single parent sharing one sleeping room with his/her teenage child can be said to be crowding each other because of the lack of privacy whereas a couple with a two-year old child, occupying one sleeping room could be perceived as normal and therefore not overcrowded. Households size and number of sleeping rooms. The differences in the female/male population from age 20 to 69 are consistently high for the region. Agona West Municipal. Nearly a third (29.7%) are production and transport equipment workers, while about a tenth are services workers (5.0%) and sales workers (4.6%). In general, cement/concrete is more common in the more urbanized districts (Bolgatanga and Bawku East), while earth/mud is more common in the more rural districts (Builsa, Bongo and Bawku West). Furthermore, the relatively lower proportion of widowed men as compared to women reflects the higher level of mortality among men and also suggests that men are more likely than women to remarry upon the death of a spouse (Ghana Statistical Service, October 1999). Although rich agriculturally, the Upper East Region districts are considered some of the country's smallest municipalities. Even though Ewe is a single linguistic group, it is divided into Tafi, Nkonya, Lolobi, Likpe, and Sontrokofi. Mobile telephone services are available in only a limited number of localities, with Spacefon and Ghana Telecoms One Touch systems operating from Bawku, Bolgatanga and Navrongo. The proportion is highest in Bongo (89.8%) and lowest in Bawku West (66.7%). Ghana Ethnic Groups: FraFra Frafra Bibliography about this language: Grimes, Joseph E., editor. Information on marital status is applicable to persons 12 years or older. High bacteriological contamination is prevalent across all districts in the region with high fluoride content in most parts of Bongo district and some part of Bolgantaga municipal assembly. Bolgatanga has the largest proportion of households using electricity (19.5%), followed by Bawku East (15.2%). . Additionally, thatch from grass, wood or mud/mud bricks account for over 75.0 per cent of material for roof in every district. In most cases, accessibility is determined more by the individual students and/or parental preferences and/or affordability, than by the proximity of the institution. There are slightly more females, than males, in the private sector. On the basis of this ideal situation, it would be appropriate to state that one to three person households would be expected to have at least one sleeping room, 4-6 households, at least two sleeping rooms, 7-9 person households at least three sleeping rooms and ten or more person households, at least four sleeping rooms. Very few are apprentices (2.0%) or employees (2.5%). For the country as a whole, only 16.5 per cent of households have a means of burning or burying the waste. Within the districts at least 10 per cent attained JSS/SSS level except Bongo (9.7%) and Bawku West (8.6%). Age structure of the economically active population (aged 15 years and older). Literacy in a Ghanaian language is low in the region. Educational facilities are also not adequate. Firewood is the most used cooking fuel in the region (66.5%). The Ga-Adangbe tribe comprises several local language groups, including Ga, Ada, Adangbe, Kloli, and Krobo. It is worth noting also that in the region, between 46 and 58 per cent of households with ten or more persons have six or more sleeping rooms. The 16 regional capitals; Oti Region - Dambai Bono East Region - Techiman The Akan, Gurma, Ewe, Ga-Adangbe, Mole-Dagbane, and Guan are the chief ethnic groups in Ghana. At every level of educational attainment, there is a higher proportion of males than females. The Upper West Region - Wa. Roads in the region are generally not bad, except in remote areas, All districts have access to at least one mobile phone operator. 2. Within the Christian religion, the Catholics are in the majority. The 1997 Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire (CWIQ) survey reports that while primary and junior secondary school enrolment rates (in Upper East) are consistent with the national averages, accessibility remains a problem (Statistical Services, Accra Ghana, and February 2001). The Akans perform the Adowa dance, which gets its name from the movements of the antelope (Adowa). Burnt by household implies that the household burns the rubbish and Buried by household is the situation where the rubbish is buried inside or outside the dwelling unit. About one tenth (11.6%) of localities in Bawku East are 25 kilometres or more from the nearest clinic or maternity home. Notwithstanding the long periods of co-existence among the heterogeneous ethnic groups the melting pot effect has not emerged as attachment to primordial identity lines still prevail. At the district level, the proportion of the population who are heads of households ranges from 11.4 per cent in Bawku East to 19.2 per cent in Builsa, while the proportion of temporary heads ranges from 0.8 per cent in Bawku West and Bawku East to 1.4 per cent in Builsa. Builsa South district to the West, Bolgatanga community to the East and Burkina Faso to the North are part of the areas the community shares boundaries with. The ratio implies that there is roughly one dependent person for every economically active adult. The IEC finalized 2018 parliamentary election results in May, and 418 female candidates contested the 250 . Among the Mole Dagbon, the major sub-groupings are the Namnam (30.5%), Kusasi (22.6%), Nankani- Gurense (9.2%) and Builsa (7.6%). A comparison with the national situation also shows that there is significant difference between the proportions of males and females who have never attended school. Almost three in four of the economically active are self-employed without employee (74.5%). With a population of 920,089, this results in an average household size of 6.4 persons and an average of 1.6 households per house. These proportions are about twice those of the country: 5 per cent (2.1% males and 7.8% females). The long-term objective of the program is to develop the manpower for research and development in the region by providing the skill sets for future scientists who are easily recruited in prominent positions in Egypt and the region. The population aged 30-44 years who are likely to have considerable work experience constitute between 26.2 and 27.9 per cent of the economically active population in the districts. Agriculture, hunting and forestry are the main economic activities in the region. Ajumako-Enyan-Essiam. These are: The number of Pipe Systems under CWSA management is 10 out of the targeted 20 for the year 2019. The main ethnic groups in the region are the Mole-Dagbon, Grusi, Mande-Busanga and Gurma. The German minority population in Russia, Ukraine, and the Soviet Union stemmed from several sources and arrived in several waves. Contents: Subdivision The population development in Eastern as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). This may tend to exclude females from the decision-making process when it comes to the development of their communities. The Upper East is the only region in which adherents of traditional religion are close to one-half of the population. The use of liquefied petroleum gas is being encouraged. The age and sex distribution of a population is the result of the combined effect of fertility, mortality and migration. The proportion is higher than the regional figure in Bongo (42.7%), Bawku West (41.5%) and Builsa (40.6%) and closer to the regional in Kassena-Nankana (35.3%), Bolgatanga (35.2%) and Bawku East (34%). Only 23.5 per cent of the regions population, 15 years and older are literate. A high proportion of the population in the districts aged 15 years or older had married. At age 70 and older, there is a preponderance of males than females. Volta, Northern, Upper East and Upper . The statistics also reveal that in each district, at the pre-school level, not more than 40 per cent of the teachers are trained. The five together make up 97.6 per cent of all occupations. This means that the formal sector constitutes only 25.4 per cent of the economy of the region and this has implications for tax revenue mobilization. Ghana has more than seventy ethnic groups, each with its own distinct language. The proportion using the kerosene lamp varies from 78.1 per cent in the Bolgatanga, to 92.7 per cent in the Builsa, District. Its administrative capital is Binduri, and it shares boundaries with Garu-Tempane to the South and East, Bawku municipal to the North, and Bawku West district to the West. The traditional practice of early and almost universal marriage, especially for women is reflected in the fact that in the region and in each district, about three out of every four persons aged 15 years or older have been married before. This is the newly built cotton ginnery at Pusu-Namongo (near Bolgatanga). In every district, the 15-29 years age group, who are energetic and in the prime of their youth, constitute at least 30 per cent of the economically active population. In all the districts, the proportion born in the locality of enumeration (I.e. There are other health improvement programmes for the physically challenged and other vulnerable groups. The Volta Region - Ho. The Regional Hospital located at Bolgatanga is the second level referral centre in the region. Less than a tenth (9.3%) of households occupying four sleeping rooms can be classified as over-crowded. The paper examines conflicts in Northern and Upper East regions of Ghana from the perspective of identity crisis in an ethnically heterogeneous section of the country. Ideally, more than two persons should not occupy a room, and any room occupancy ratio above 2 persons per room is considered to be on the threshold of over-crowding. The constitution specifies a minimum number of seats for women and minorities in the two houses of parliament. There are far fewer non-Ghanaians (2.1 percent) than naturalised Ghanaians. The substantial lack of formal sector, office based bureaucratic activities in the region is reflected in the fact that only 1.7 per cent of the economically active are engaged in administrative, managerial, clerical and related work. Total fertility rates range from 3.4 births per woman in the Builsa, to 7.5 births in the Bongo, District. Nabdam District became an Assembly by Legislative Instrument (L.I. The use of charcoal, in the long run, is expensive and also results in reductions in the forest cover of the charcoal producing areas. Even in Kassena-Nankana where the White Fathers opened their first mission station at Navrongo in 1906, 55.4 per cent are traditionalists. Slightly more females (1.7%) than males (1.4%) are reported as separated. Much of the female-male differentials in educational attainment, however, is at the middle/JSS or higher levels. What are the major ethnic groups in Ghana? 1975. Thus, most children have to travel long distances to reach the nearest school. All other methods of disposal are put into the category Other. The age structure for the sexes shows that at the regional level, there are more males than females at all ages 0-19 years, except for the age group 0-4 years. It is bordered to the north by Burkina Faso, the east by the Republic of Togo, the west by Sissala in Upper West and the south by West Mamprusi in Northern Region (Figure 1). Employees and apprentices make up 0.9 per cent each. Nationally the labour force aged 15-34 years shrank slightly from 63.7 per cent of the total labour force in 1984 to 61.1 per cent in 2000, while those aged 35-64 increased between 1984 and 2000. When the youth are added to the population aged below 15 years, their proportions range from 50.4 per cent in Kassena-Nankana to 54.3 per cent in Bawku West. Primary school is the highest level attained by 52.4 per cent in the region. The municipality was established by Legislative Instrument (L.I) 2103. Capital Tamale, the capital, is the country's fourth largest city. Hardness of the water levels has been reduced by applying the mixing method in the affected Districts. The Ashanti Region - Kumasi. You can find these cultural institutions on both the southern and northern banks of the Volta River. The actual number of homeless households is 24 which indicates that homelessness is not a major problem in Upper East. The region has more females than males. This is because the upper half is underlain by granites and its subsidiary Birimian metamorphics as compared to the Voltaian mudstones and shales in the southern half of the region. The 10 regional capitals before the creation of the new regions are still Sekondi (Western), Ho (Volta), Accra (Greater Accra), Koforidua (Eastern), Kumasi (Ashanti), Cape Coast (Central) , Sunyani (Bono), Tamale (Northern), Bolgatanga (Upper East) and Wa (Upper West). Lack of capacity building for technical staff on submersible pump control panels. This should be a matter of great concern. Dependency on all remaining sources of water is above 10 per cent in all the districts, with 13.4 per cent in Builsa as the lowest proportion and 20.0 per cent in Bawku East as the highest. About two out of every three are in agriculture (66.4%). The Ewe ethnic group is found throughout the Volta region, extending into Togo. Teledensity (phones/per 100 populations is very low in the region (0.1) compared to the national density of 0.7). The overall level of unemployment is highest in Bongo (26.0%) and Bawku West (27.4%). Located in the North-Eastern section of the Upper East Region, the municipality shares borders with the Republic of Burkina Faso to the West by Talensi district. USAID will work with Congress to provide $50 million for the fund, the first-of-its kind private sector . These are Sandema, the War Memorial Hospital (Navrongo), Zebilla and Bawku Presbyterian Hospital. Also, water supply in only Bolgatanga municipality is mainly from the Vea Dam, whiles the pipe-born water systems in the other townships make use of mechanised boreholes. Solid waste collected from households by qualified garbage collection agencies are perhaps the best way of ensuring that environmental hazards are minimized, because the waste can be properly and scientifically treated. Nationwide, 43.7 per cent of households use electricity as the main source of lighting while the kerosene lamp remains the major source of lighting for 54.9 per cent of households.

Nc General Contractor License Reference Letter, Clifton V Palumbo,