An animation shows the planets and their orbits in the solar system, moving away from the sun. As it approaches, its tail grows longer. An animation shows a cloud of dust and debris circling the sun. The animation shows Tim and Moby standing with a starry sky in the background. TIM: Around Jupiter, there are almost 70 moons. An animation shows the pale yellow planet encircled by large rings. TIM: Yup, Pluto is also a Kuiper belt object. The arrow labeled gravity is removed and another, yellow horizontal arrow pointing from the sun extending to the middle of the scattered disc and labeled solar wind is added. All rights reserved. ","joke_text_2":"Give me a ring sometime! TIM: There's no water on Mercury and there's very little atmosphere. The surface of Venus can get close to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The added planet has a question mark placed in the middle of it. That means lots of liquid water, which all life depends on. Tim: Eris is actually the largest dwarf planet in the solar system its just a bit bigger than Pluto! An animation shows Moby blink and his eyes turn into a spinning hypnosis spiral which then expands to cover the entire screen. "}}},{"type":"related_reading","feature_id":"11211","name":"Related Reading","feature_name":"Related Reading","alignments_description":"High-interest, informational texts that extend understanding of a topic. TIM: Right, the solar system isn't just planets and the sun there are lots of smaller bodies floating out there, too. Check your students' knowledge and unleash their imaginations with Creative Coding projects. TIM: The farthest that humans have ever gone is the moon, but several spacecraft have been to the outer regions of the solar system. The image of the sun, the planets, and the Kuiper belt is shown. ","alignment_guid":"966F38D6-2F4E-11E9-9BB5-F28EFCE54722","url":"\/make-a-map\/?topic=\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":""},{"feature_id":"294","type":"make_a_movie","name":"Make-a-Movie","alignments_description":"A movie-making tool to produce BrainPOP-style movies. In the animation, Mars moves out of view. He hugs the ground and has a large grin on his robotic face. The clump of ice gets closer to the sun. Already have an individual account with Creative Coding? Have your students signed up forindividual accounts? Planet X was the name given for a theoretical planet some astronomers thought existed beyond the orbit of Neptune. The first moon landing, as far as I'm concerned, is one of the greatestmomentsin humanhistory. It's got just the right conditions for humans, plants, and animals. Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby. TIM: Pluto has an odd elliptical orbit that sometimes brings it closer to the sun than Neptune. The biggest, Titan, is one of the only moons with a thick atmosphere. A diagram of the solar system is shown. View our, ens_hJtKdHWieHXq9WALhC_cZqG0H0gx6OGDvFMCpMasuN_Vq6-IBi52UWT877tYO6ld7kMYz23e6r2L1VGKZFmKO8LEue7pV3KlkhLGSuS4-uLbysaNlM_9p5-adbZAHGQ, {"EntryID":"133","name":"Solar System","icon":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/SOLAR_SYSTEM_JR_ICON_SQUARE_CANVAS.js","sound":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/sound.mp3","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/","screenshots":["\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/screenshot_1.png","\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/screenshot_2.png","\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/screenshot_3.png"],"plain_icon":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/plain_icon.png","free":"","d_creation":"1223524800","d_updated":"0","movies":{"flash":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/movie.swf","high":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/ipad_movies\/44477.mp4","low":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/iphone_movies\/44478.mp4","transcript":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/transcript\/","notebook_questions":["What is in our Solar System? The sun can be seen in the background. TIM: The Oort cloud is a whole light-year away from the sun it takes an entire year for a ray of sunshine to reach it! TIM: They say its one of the reddest bodies in the solar system maybe even redder than Mars! The fourth from the sun is Earth, where we live. Two inserts appear showing the axis of the planet perpendicular to the plane containing the ring. When it gets close to the sun, the dust and ice form long, wispy tails that you can sometimes see from Earth. But wait, there's more! Contents 1 Summary 2 Appearances 3 Transcript 4 Quiz 5 FYI Comic 6 Gallery Summary While scanning the night sky with a pair of binoculars, Tim is interrupted by Moby, giving him a letter asking if there is a 'Planet X'. This topic is not available for students in Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade and 12th Grade. This animated Science resource page with lesson plans and teaching tips, for Kindergarten to 3rd grade students teaches about the Sun, moons, and planets that make up our Solar System. From, Sam. TIM: The dense, carbon dioxide atmosphere on Venus traps so much heat, the surface can get up to over 450 degrees Celsius. They look smooth from a distance, but up close you can see they're made of chunks of ice and rock. Atoms began fusing together in a nuclear reaction that continues to this day. TIM: Right, the solar system isnt just planets and the sunthere are lots of smaller bodies floating out there, too. The other shows white, gray, and black areas on the blue surface. TIM: The total amount of planets in our solar system are satellites of the sun that means they travel around it in an orbit. The screen is split in half vertically and displays Sedna on the left and Mars, significantly bigger and lighter in color than Sedna, on the right. The sun is on the left of the screen, planets and Kuiper belt to the right of it, followed by the scattered disc and the Oort cloud to the far right of the screen. When they get close to the sun, some of their ice forms long, wispy tails that you can sometimes see from Earth! Two images are displayed next to each other against a night sky. An image of an astronaut walking on the moon is displayed on the screen, and then an image of a spacecraft against a night sky is added to the right of it. The one on the left shows the Pioneer 10 spacecraft and the one on the right shows the Pioneer 11 spacecraft. Text added above the arrow reads: trans-Neptunian objects. It then zooms out to show a big spherical object composed of light colored particles. TIM: Saturn has more than 50 moons orbiting it. TIM: Others became big balls of mostly gas called gas giants, like Jupiter. Learn more and understand better with BrainPOP's animated movies, games, playful assessments, and activities covering Science, Math, History, English, and more! Pluto's orbit intersects with Neptune's. TIM: Comets are clumps of ice and dust that orbit the sun. (, What is something new you hope to learn about the solar system? The orbits are ellipses. Standing next to him is Moby. A diagram shows the terminal shock as an orange circle with the sun and the planets of the solar system, including Earth, in the center of it. Lightning from the yellow gas strikes the red, rocky ground. Another animation shows a view of a large rock moving in a starry sky. *BrainPOP's Discussion Questions and Prompts align to CCSS Speaking and Listening Standards. Then Neptunes orbit is added and an arrow pointing away from Neptune and the sun is added. An animation keeps extending the arrow from Neptune until no planets are visible. ","alignment_guid":"9790C0FE-2F4E-11E9-9CAD-EBD25B5E995C","url":"\/make-a-movie\/?topic=294","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":""},{"type":"coding","feature_id":"40545","name":"Creative Coding","feature_name":"Creative coding","alignments_description":"Coding projects offered in both text- and block-based coding languages. "},"story":{"type":"story","instructions":"Code a conversation to show what you know about the solar system. TIM: Yeah, theyve been traveling in space for about 35 years now! TIM: Yeah, I guess Earth's my favorite, too. An image shows a big, brown planet labeled Pluto, a smaller, purple moon labeled. TIM: Neptune is the last gas giant and it has more than a dozen moons. A close-up image of the planet with a question mark in the middle of it is shown against a night sky. Outer Solar System is a Science video of BrainPOP aired on May 14, 2002. An image shows a night sky and stars through a pair of binoculars. Tim is looking at the night sky through a telescope. TIM: For a while, Pluto was thought to be the missing planet. Standing next to him is Moby. Some of them formed hard hunks of rock called the terrestrial planets Earth is one of these. In one of these areas, there is a large red spot. TIM: I know. It is depicted as covered by clouds. TIM: Dwarf planets are kind of like regular planets, but generally smaller. (Compare/contrast; Make inferences), Timecode 4:00: Why might the outer planets have many more moons orbiting them than the inner planets? You probably know it by its amazing set of rings! An animation shows an icy comet speeding toward the sun. The animation zooms in on Mercury. TIM: Its by far the most distant known region of the solar system. TIM: Hey Moby, I think I see aliens. Moby first looks up, then blinks and looks back down. In the animation, the view of the asteroids moves out of view and is replaced by a drawing of Pluto. The animation shows Moby take a cloth and clean the lens on Tim's telescope. Another animation shows floating objects coming together and forming the planet Jupiter. TIM: The outer planets were once rocky, too, but their gravity captured the gas pushed away by the sun. Explain how each is connected to the Solar System topic. TIM: Comets are totally different than asteroids. An animation first shows the sun and several other planets surrounded by a ring of gray specks, and then zooms out to show the entire solar system, represented by light purple dots arranged in a spherical pattern against a night sky. An animation shows Pluto rotating in space. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The animation shows a close-up of the central clump which explodes and catches fire. You probably know Saturn by its amazing set of rings. Far out from the sun is Earth, where we live. Solar System Discussion Prompts and Pause Points, What do you think youll learn about the solar system in this movie? The other shows an even a closer view, in which floating rocks can be seen. Well, the solar system is our home in the galaxy. An animation shows a man, Tim, and a robot, Moby, at a campsite. We can't find the project you're looking for. Draw, write, or create a skit about it.\r\n","sound":"\/feature_settings\/Word Play_description.mp3"}},{"EntryID":"1118","name":"Draw About It","display_name":"Draw About It","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/draw_about_it_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/draw_about_it_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/drawaboutit\/background.svg","header":"\/feature_settings\/hdr_drawaboutit.js","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/drawaboutit\/","type":"draw_about_it","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/drawaboutit\/","small_screen_compatible":"yes","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"1100","name":"Write About It","display_name":"Write About It","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/write_about_it_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/write_about_it_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/writeaboutit\/background.svg","header":"\/feature_settings\/hdr_writeaboutit.js","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/writeaboutit\/","type":"write_about_it","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/writeaboutit\/","small_screen_compatible":"yes","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"1107","name":"Activity","display_name":"Activity","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/activity_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/activity_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/activity\/background.svg","header":"\/feature_settings\/hdr_activity_01.js","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/activity\/","type":"activity","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/activity\/","small_screen_compatible":"yes","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"1117","name":"Belly Up","display_name":"Belly Up","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/bellyup_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/bellyup_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/bellyup\/background.svg","header":"\/feature_settings\/hdr_bellyup_2.js","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/bellyup\/","type":"bellyup","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/bellyup\/","small_screen_compatible":"yes","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"2831","name":"Transcript","display_name":"Movie Transcript","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/transcript_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/transcript_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/transcript\/background.svg","header":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/transcript\/","type":"transcript","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/transcript\/","small_screen_compatible":"","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"4106","name":"TAI","display_name":"Talk About It","folder_name_on_disk":"talkaboutit","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/tai_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/tai_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/talkaboutit\/background.svg","header":"\/feature_settings\/hdr_talkaboutit.js","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/talkaboutit\/","type":"tai","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/talkaboutit\/","small_screen_compatible":"","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}}]}, {"EntryID":"3688","name":"Creative Coding","display_name":"Creative Coding","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/coding_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/coding_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/creativecoding\/background.svg","header":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/creativecoding\/","type":"coding","data":{"museum":{"type":"museum","instructions":"Code a digital museum to show what you know about the solar system. TIM: Over millions of years, gravity drew a lot of this stuff together, into clumps. Use strategy to up your points! An animation shows the dry, rocky surface of Mars transition to a lake. TIM: The dwarf planet Pluto, known as a main planet until it was demoted in 2006, is a cold, rocky body even smaller than our own moon. Watch it again, this time using the discussion prompts. TIM: Jupiter is the largest, and one of those gas giants I was mentioning before. But for us, it's the most important one around. TIM: By the way, Pluto isnt the only dwarf planet. The animation shows Tim and Moby standing next to each other. Two inserts appear. TIM: Although it's cold and dry now, scientists think Mars was once much more like Earth. TIM: Then there's the last one Pluto, a cold, rocky body even smaller than our own moon. "},"flag":{"type":"flag","instructions":"Create a flag that represents the solar system. TIM: Well, the solar system is our home in the galaxy. It's so tilted that it looks like its lying on its side! Tim goes on to explain about space beyond Neptune, as well as some space probes and planets. TIM: Ooh, I think I see Neptune! An image of the Oort cloud is shown again. TIM: Like the stuff in the Kuiper belt, objects in the Oort cloud are thought to have originated way back when the solar system was just starting up. Tim is lying on the ground in a sleeping bag partially sticking out of a camping tent. An animation shows four large moons next to Jupiter. TIM: The cloud also began to spin, with the biggest clump in the center. The camera pans away from the sun. An animation shows the spacecraft moving away from the camera into outer space until it eventually disappears. ","alignment_guid":null},{"EntryID":"298","name":"Time Zone X: Mars","url":"\/games\/timezonexmars\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":null},{"EntryID":"554","name":"Time Zone X: Mercury","url":"\/games\/timezonexmercury\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"0668AC24-2F56-11E9-9FC9-CEFF6CCC982B"},{"EntryID":"299","name":"Time Zone X: Galileo Galilei","url":"\/games\/timezonexgalileogalilei\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"2A662CC8-2F56-11E9-BAFC-E4056D23C85C"},{"EntryID":"555","name":"Time Zone X: Venus","url":"\/games\/timezonexvenus\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"3103C072-2F56-11E9-A37E-D4E343040C2D"},{"EntryID":"556","name":"Time Zone X: Pluto","url":"\/games\/timezonexpluto\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"CC7CB9D2-2F51-11E9-966F-B39AC3583E9A"},{"EntryID":"312","name":"Time Zone X: Moon","url":"\/games\/timezonexmoon\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"83C67F96-2F4E-11E9-A5B0-A570F9F3F65B"},{"EntryID":"568","name":"Time Zone X: Solar System","url":"\/games\/timezonexsolarsystem\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"9B2B83DE-2F4E-11E9-B951-FB17784B80DE"},{"EntryID":"314","name":"Time Zone X: Jupiter","url":"\/games\/timezonexjupiter\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"71C0DA80-2F4E-11E9-B928-E04C0573EC52"},{"EntryID":"315","name":"Time Zone X: Comets","url":"\/games\/timezonexcomets\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"D00AB04A-2F56-11E9-A730-DE0F46AC40DD"},{"EntryID":"580","name":"Time Zone X: Outer Solar System","url":"\/games\/timezonexoutersolarsystem\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"7BB891DE-2F5A-11E9-B582-925D16AD1D34"},{"EntryID":"585","name":"Time Zone X: Earth","url":"\/games\/timezonexearth\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"3798AC2C-2F56-11E9-BF28-F3251781C3FF"},{"EntryID":"635","name":"Time Zone X: Copernicus","url":"\/games\/timezonexcopernicus\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"AF57F738-2F72-11E9-84CA-B0D71746A6F7"},{"EntryID":"714","name":"The Meaning of Beep: Mars","url":"\/games\/mobmars\/","type":"meaningofbeep","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"7B5AA63E-2F4E-11E9-BD13-B45103365D45"}],"sortify_games":[],"features":[{"type":"quiz","feature_id":"12747","name":"Quiz","feature_name":"Quiz","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":null,"requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"Yes","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/quiz\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/quiz_svg_icon.svg"},{"type":"challenge","feature_id":"31584","name":"Challenge","feature_name":"Challenge","alignments_description":"Interactive tasks that playfully assess knowledge of a topic.

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