Appeal from an order and judgment (one paper) of the Supreme Court, New York County (Ira Gammerman, J. . . To construct short form citations for cases, refer to Rule 10.9. According to Constitutional Interpretation 43 (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 2, Constitution [1969 ed]) . . . . 1 at A-14 [Apr. "N.Y.2d" is the abbreviation for the New York Reports, the reporter . Appeals Transferred to the Appellate Division. ), dated November 12, 2009. In the second example the case is in the U.S. Supreme Court, thus the name of the state, here Florida, is the name of the party. (Table 7 in a nutshell) Normally, the abbreviation for state intermediate appellate courts is "X Ct. App.," where X is the name of the state. The modification consisted of denying that portion of defendant's motion seeking dismissal on federal preemption and primary jurisdiction grounds. APPENDIX 8 FORMULATION OF SUMMARIES (APPEAL STATEMENTS), Attorney or Firm Representing Multiple Parties, (Add "s" inside the period for plural use, unless otherwise indicated. necessary for electronic citations. The People of the State of New York, Plaintiff, v Dennis Charles and Fritz DePass, Defendants. 2001-3 provides . When cited within parentheses, both the name of the country or state and the word "Constitution" should be abbreviated, as in the following examples: When constitutional citations appear in running text, either abbreviations or full names may be used. (UCCA 1812, as renum by L 1976, ch 156, 8). "Forty-five men were injured in the battle"). A revised rule (2.1 [a] [1]) provides guidance for citing companion cases and new samples illustrate the format when a "citing" or "quoting" reference is included in a citation. The judgment convicted defendant, upon his plea of guilty, of attempted kidnapping in the second degree. Bluebook Citation. and the petitioning party is referred to as Petitioner and the opposing party as Respondent. INTRODUCTION There is no one prevailing source for citation of legal authorities in documents filed in New York courts. To cite specific content, provide the name of the author, if any; a description of the content, such as a heading or document title; the publication date; the precise URL; and, in order of preference, the date that the content was last updated or accessed. Office of Reporter of Decisions STYLE SHEET Effective July 03, 2018, and Subject to Revision. Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 [ETPA] or Rent Stabilization Law of 1969 [RSL]), using a section sign (ETPA 5). 1974). Citation to a case contained in an electronic service (e.g. The order dated December 27, 1999 granted plaintiff's motion to impose sanctions against nonparty appellant for frivolous conduct as defense counsel. . is the basic citation resource for Washington appellate court opinions except as noted below.. ), entered January 16, 2001, and (2) the judgment entered upon the order. . You must indicate both the state name and name of the court, except: You may omit the court name if it is the highest court in the jurisdiction. . . Assume that all citations will appear in a brief to a federal court. The decision was written by Justice Jones of the New York Supreme Court. Knight v. State, Del. ), rendered September 26, 2001. As noted previously, the New York State Bar Association uses the latest edition of the Bluebook form of citation. The order dated December 20, 1999 denied defendant's motion to hold plaintiff and its counsel in contempt. Names of Judges The full name of the judge or justice who presided at the hearing or trial below should be included whenever available (see Judiciary Law 433) and should conform to the name as listed in the judges' list contained in the front of bound volumes of the Miscellaneous Reports. Citation sentences must additionally abbreviate the words in Rule 10.2.2 and Table 6. ), including whether an appeal or a proceeding has been transferred; the appealable paper, followed by the name of the court and the judge's name where appropriate; and the entry date. 10.2 [a] [5] [specifying "15 years' imprisonment," not "15 years imprisonment"]). The order granted defendant's motion to set aside the sentence imposed upon his conviction of kidnapping in the second degree. Case names for New York decisions reported in the first, second and third series of the New York Official Reports can be found in the Official Case Name and Citation Locator at. n.d. The judgment convicted defendant, after a nonjury trial, of stalking in the fourth degree. The order denied defendant's motion for summary judgment and granted plaintiff's cross motion for summary judgment on the fifth cause of action and for an order extending his time to file a notice of trial. ), entered January 28, 2009. Understanding California Case Citation Using The Bluebook: There are three levels of courts in California 1. Education Law 2518 (1) (former [a]) provided . If used, the citational footnote style should be used for all citations in the opinion. Again, when in doubt, check the Bluebook, Table T. 1. Citation to either the annotated or unannotated compilation is acceptable. newspapers and magazines, typography of names of. In citations of multiple sections of a statute, place two section symbols before the first section cited. Rptr. The rules on capitalization are essentially unchanged and reflect the modern practice to avoid excessive capitalization. Administration. Commissioner of the New York City Department of Social Services, Acting Superintendent of Schools of Liverpool Central School District, New York State Department of State, Division of Licensing Services, Mill Creek Phase 1, Staten Island Bluebelt System, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Departmental Disciplinary Committee for the First Judicial Department, Attorneys in Violation of Judiciary Law 468-a. ), battered syndrome or battered person syndrome, for the sake of argument; hypothetically; assuming, from a contract; contractual; in contract, completely; in all; totally; on the whole, APPELLATE HISTORY AND OTHER ABBREVIATIONS USED IN CITATIONS, STYLE AND ABBREVIATION OF PARTICULAR STATUTES, TITLES IN VARIOUS ACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS, WITH CASE NAMES, CITATIONAL FOOTNOTE STYLE (MODEL OPINION), FORMULATION OF SUMMARIES (APPEAL STATEMENTS), Publication, Publishing, Publisher, Published, Sociedad Annima, Societ in accomandita per azioni, Socit Anonyme, Jones and Spencer's Superior Court Reports, New York Civil Procedure Reports, New Series, New York Code of Procedure Reports, New Series, New York State Department of Education Reports, 36 Ed Dept Rep 508 [Decision No. The statute name abbreviations listed in Appendix 4 should be used for statutory citations within parentheses. The order granted respondent's motion to dismiss the petition in a holdover summary proceeding and denied petitioner's cross motion for summary judgment. Those treaties signed since 1945 are also published in and may be cited to the Treaties and Other International Acts Series (TIAS) (the unofficial source). In accordance with standard authorities, revised rules clarify that pertinent court and jurisdictional information should be included with full case citations (1.1 [a]) and that using full names of authors of secondary authority is preferred (7.1 [b]). . Where the source contains pagination, a page reference may be included if greater precision is desired. 1518 [1945]), (Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters, 23 UST 2555, TIAS No. (Personnel Rules and Regs of City of NY [55 RCNY Appendix A] 4.7.1), (Rules of City of NY Dept of Parks and Recreation [56 RCNY] 1-01), Personnel Rules and Regulations of City of New York (55 RCNY Appendix A) 4.7.1, Rules of City of New York Department of Parks and Recreation (56 RCNY) 1-01, (Rules of Ct of Appeals [22 NYCRR] 500.11), Rules of the Court of Appeals (22 NYCRR) 500.11, (Rules of App Div, 2d Dept [22 NYCRR] 670.3), Rules of the Appellate Division, Second Department (22 NYCRR) 670.3, (Uniform Rules for Trial Cts [22 NYCRR] 202.5), Uniform Rules for Trial Courts (22 NYCRR) 202.5, (Uniform Rules for Sur Ct [22 NYCRR] 207.6), Uniform Rules for Surrogate's Court (22 NYCRR) 207.6, (Rules of Chief Admin of Cts [22 NYCRR] 130-1.1), Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts (22 NYCRR) 130-1.1. Appeal from Order Deemed Appeal from Judgment. If the list is in columnar format, omit the parentheses and add a period after each number. Republic National Bank, Appellant, v Sylvia Greenwald et al., Defendants, and Public Equities Corp. et al., Respondents. Supreme Court 1. Electronic government sources designated "official" or authenticated by some method involving encryption should be cited when available. on that Court's website. . Chaudhary v. Gen. Motors Corp., 649 P. 2d 224 ( Cal. For more than 50 years, the New York Law Reports Style Manual has been issued by the Law Reporting Bureau with the approval of the Court of Appeals as a guide for New York judges and their staffs in the preparation of opinions for publication in the Official Reports. . Opinions published in the online version of the New York Law Journal are cited as indicated in section 2.2 (b) (3). Use the Cal. On the appellate level, parties are referred to according to their status on appeal, e.g. ), entered August 21, 2006. Supreme Court Reporter (S.CT) and . Citation may be made to the appropriate session and chapter as well as to the act's popular name or short title, if any. When the date is clearly included in the local law number, do not repeat the date in parentheses]. Test. The Reference Desk is in the Atrium of the Williams Library on the main floor. 16,256) [Note: decisions in volume 50 and above], (Comm on Open Govt OML-AO-3899 [2004]) [Note: Open Meetings Law Advisory Opinion], (Comm on Open Govt FOIL-AO-13559 [2002]) [Note: FOIL Advisory Opinion], (Ops Gen Counsel NY Ins Dept No. : The Bluebook states the inclusion of the appellate district is optional but its inclusion in the parenthetical is required for the Basic Legal Research class. Proceeding, pursuant to NY Constitution, article VI, 22 and Judiciary Law 44, to review a determination of respondent State Commission on Judicial Conduct, dated August 7, 1998. However, in a criminal action with multiple defendants, up to five defendants may be listed in the title followed by an "et al." Where the location or content of an electronic source is subject to change, a "last updated" or "last accessed" date should be included. Experiential Legal Writing I - Citations Quiz INSTRUCTIONS Put the following information in correct Bluebook citation form. This reporter is the United States Reports (U.S.) The Bluebook requires citation only to the official report Supreme Court Opinions are also published in three unofficial reporters: 1. . . GENERAL PRINCIPLES. eds., 21st ed. (a) Appeal by Permission of Appellate DivisionCertified QuestionNonfinal Order/Judgment, Appeal, by permission of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department, from an order of that Court, entered August 10, 1995. In an appellate action or proceeding title, omit captions of adjunct actions or proceedings (e.g. Oklahoma. . Additionally, it specifies for editors the format and typographical standards for the Reports. The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation is a legal style guide. For citations in court documents and legal memoranda, please refer to the Bluepages. The omission of internal quotation marks or case citations from a quotation is indicated by a parenthetical, such as (internal quotation marks and citation omitted), in which case ellipses are not necessary. Reargument of an appeal, taken by permission of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department, from an order of that Court, entered April 5, 2011. Single-paragraph quotations have quotation marks at the beginning and the end of the quoted language. next word). (CPLR 5529 [e]. Names of Courts The name of the court should conform to the following examples: Court of Appeals; Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department; Appellate Term of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department (add appropriate judicial districts for the Second Department); Supreme Court, Kings County; Court of Claims; Albany County Court; Family Court of Onondaga County; Surrogate's Court of Broome County; City Court of Buffalo, Erie County; Civil (Criminal) Court of Until 1954, Oklahoma had its own official reporter called the Oklahoma Reports. When the opinion involves an original proceeding in that court, the first sentence may also contain a statement of the nature of the proceeding. (Nassau County Administrative Code 5-14.0 [L 1939, chs 272, 701-709, as amended]), (McKinney's Uncons Laws of NY 8605 [Local Emergency Housing Rent Control Act 5, as added by L 1962, ch 21, 1, as amended]), (CLS Uncons Laws of NY ch 249-A, 1 [5] [Local Emergency Housing Rent Control Act 5, as added by L 1962, ch 21, 1, as amended]), (2004 McKinney's Session Law News of NY, No. County . "New Jersey Statutes Annotated," may be used. In this format, citations in footnotes, if any, are styled as provided in section 1.2 (d). Defendant was sentenced to a prison term of 15 years. The Ultimate Bluebook Case Citation Guide. The Appellate Division remanded the matter to Supreme Court for determination of the remaining grounds for defendant's motion. General Rules for Formulating Summaries. Ct. New York: N.Y. North Carolina: N.C. North Dakota: N.D. . New Mexico Constitution. Chancellor Kent's opinion pointed the way . North Carolina : North Carolina Supreme Court: N.C. North Carolina Court of Appeals: I am so pleased to recognize our outstanding State Reporter, Bill Hooks, who succeeded to the position in June 2009. Thus, (. abbreviation to indicate that this case was decided by the California Supreme Court. Typically, the parties in an action are referred to, at the trial level, as Plaintiff and Defendant (in the event of impleader one might find Third-Party or Fourth-Party Plaintiffs and Defendants); in a proceeding the parties are referred to as Petitioner and Respondent. Lowercase general references to federal, state and municipal codes, such as housing regulations, steel code, oil code and building code. The official reporter is the United States Reports (US) and the two unofficial, parallel reporters are the. When emphasis in a source document is omitted from a quotation, add a parenthetical: (emphasis omitted). Compound words may be open (separate words, no hyphen), closed (spelled as one word) or hyphenated. ), imposed following defendant's conviction upon his plea of guilty of driving while under the influence of alcohol as a felony. Bill is no stranger to the Law Reporting Bureauhaving started his career there in 1981and I know he will continue the great tradition of providing impeccable service for the entire Unified Court System. Separate two authors' names with an ampersand. . Westlaw, Lexis) are cited as indicated in section 2.4 (a) (1) and (2). Probably the most notable change reflected in the new Style Manual is the continuing movement toward the use of electronic sources. 13,787]) [Note: decisions in volumes 1-49], (51 Ed Dept Rep, Decision No. 12. Reargument of Appellate Division Decision. Courthouse Hours. Ct. 1944). The following terms are always lowercased: Federal is capitalized only when modifying a capitalized word: Lowercase "capital"; capitalize "Capitol.". Bluebook citation to the official reporter containing cases from the Washington Court of Appeals printed in two series. B. Citation sentence: N.M. Const. Plaintiff did not sustain a serious injury within the meaning of Insurance Law 5102 (d). Commas and periods are placed within the ending quotation mark; colons and semicolons are placed outside. ), entered April 11, 2001 in favor of the nonparty assignee reinsurer. Bluebook Rule (21st): 10.2 Law Review Typeface: Ordinary; italics for procedural phrases In general, rule 10.2 provides guidelines for creating simple and straightforward case names from the list of parties given at the beginning of every case report. "U" designation for unpublished cases. The Supreme Court adopted a broad reading of the Commerce Clause during the New Deal, see Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111, 128-29 (1942), though in recent years the Supreme Court has reined in its broad reading somewhat, see United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549, 624 (1995); United States v. Morrison, 529 U.S. 598, When referred to by name, capitalize if full title is given, such as the Child Labor Amendment; Lowercase "plaintiff," "defendant," "appellant," "respondent," etc. APPENDIX 6 TITLES IN VARIOUS ACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS, WITH CASE NAMES The most noteworthy of the changes found in this Manual are: The Style Manual's section on omitting or altering language in quoted material has been reordered for clarity and revised to allow for more precise use of ellipses, to clarify the style where language is both altered and omitted and to provide guidance where emphasis is omitted. The use of small capitals in the text of opinions and footnotes has been eliminated (13.5). The following examples illustrate how to cite commonly used sources in accordance with The Bluebook's Whitepages, which are intended for use in law review footnotes. All the months of the year, with the exception of May, June and July, should be abbreviated when used in parentheses or in footnote citations: (Sept. 1). Created by. Capitalize the following when part of a personal name or when used as a short-form reference to a specific individual: General references to these judicial officers are not capitalized: Capitalize the titles of acts, ordinances, regulations, etc. This Manual supplements general citation and style authorities, providing more detail on New York materials and a more specific focus on judicial opinions. Repeat the date in parentheses ] quotation mark ; colons and semicolons are placed the. Appellant for frivolous conduct as defense counsel hold plaintiff and its counsel in contempt ) and the two,! Included if greater precision is desired, 2018, and Public Equities Corp. et,... ) [ Note: Decisions in volumes 1-49 ], ( 51 ed Dept Rep, no! 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