However, you will need to use the companion-call spell to call him to you after travelling via propylon, or to Mournhold, because his normal travel scripts get turned off.\n\n, Doubling of NPCs usually happens when you change the order of mods in your load list, the reload a save that expected the previous order. I think this will require further investigation, and that is what i am going to do. \n[[General Questions|Content]]\n[[I'm Stuck!|Stuck]]\n[[Technical Issues|Tech]]\n[[NPC Companion Tips|Basics]]\n[[Mod Conflicts?|Conflicts]]\n[[Recommended Mods?|Recommendations]]\n[[Author Permissions|Permissions]]\n[[Did You Ever?|Missed]]\n[[Contact the Author|ContactMe]]. Many items are by other people, and aren't mine to grant permission over.\n\nI'm not sure what anyone might want to reuse, apart from scripts. - New scripts, based on Melian's work, improving following and auto-fixing that annoying walk-away-forever AI glitch that used to happen. There is a breathing space, then go back underwater through the next tunnel ahead of you. He will talk about stars and religion, and somehow that ends up being a massive turn on. - Moan about the weather, the location, that he's bored, etc However, it's possible to be more than a casual-sex-buddy with her, it just takes time, patience and a willingness to tolerate her repeated attempts to push you away. ), so that it loads above him, so he's 20th again. Huge thanks to everyone who helped with testing, including: lnelson, theskymoves, fragmentaryhorcrux, feneroe, arynethx, Charles Brandt, Tim, Emma, Hand of Sotha, Riptide, saber, Christianne, Dimitri, Phoniex, Apophis2412, Ohoyo Tashka, Ramira and fireseed. Does it alter the Main Quest? - Mashti's face is a mix of several faces, mostly from Better Heads, and I think, one of Emma's. The babies' sexes are randomly chosen, and you have a choice of ten names per sex. The Lowdown - Phijama for the bowl resource used as Mabarrabael's gift. However, female characters CAN get pregnant from sleeping with This usually means that Julan's strength has been drained, or you've just made him carry too much. Currently at the stage where I found the clothier, Bevene Releth, in Ald'ruhn who told me Fedura had come through to find "Julan's tooth" and take it on a mission. If you are convinced you can take it on, feel free to [[contact me|ContactMe]]. If you like companions who shut up and fight, this isn't the mod for you. Where did he go? This isn't really the kind of mod that has a lot of reusable resources, but if anyone wants to reuse, rework or copy scripts, feel free, but if they have credit given to modders other than myself, please leave that intact. There are two romanceable characters, male and female, both romanceable by either male or female PCs. - any "Instant Nerevarine" mod He can be freed, even though he doesn't wear any slave bracers. Don't go sending me emails about how you're upset that your virtual boyfriend eventually did the thing you pressured him into doing, even after he told you he'd really rather not. Her hair is by iReni, recoloured and with ears added by me. Emma's been on these forums before and has been incredibly helpful whenever I've had issues with one of her mods. Cross the river, and find the South Wall Corner Club - this is where you were sent. and finally, since at the end of this quest there is also a scripted moment where julan and shani try to recall to outside ( unfortunately not working on open mw yet, there are these lines of code to make them appear to the player. You can use Merged Objects in [[TESTool|]] to combine changed from different mods so they both show up ingame.\n\nOnce the guar are dealt with, one way or another, follow Sen's instruction to fetch the other herders.\n\nThe walk to Ald Daedroth should be simpler, as all the guar and herders should warp behind you now, so hopefully they won't get lost on the way.\n\nThey will tell you to stop outside Ald Daedroth, and you can return to Sinnammu. The mod is compatible with Children of Morrowind, and if you complete the quest to move the Ahemmusa to Ald On shani's questline she Spoiler: Show The problem is that she is not actually respawing on said cave (haishibi abandoned mine, cavern). All clothing is female-only except the pants, which are for males or females. His only possession is the common pants he wears. Please don't upload this mod anywhere either intact or in a modified form without my consent. I'd appreciate an email about it too, just out of interest. It can mess up quests, break scripts and make companions behave strangely. He will act like a complete idiot, and the PC will deliver some home truths. - Julan can learn many new spells, including shield-type spells for both of you in battle, summoned creatures on request, and can help you levitate, waterwalk and cast intervention spells. REQUIRES BLOODMOON (ind>0):(ind2-1){enableLink(l);\nreturn}var rall=document.querySelectorAll(".passage [data-flavour]. This mod relies on the Main Quest! If you follow his instructions you can get back the ring and get some money too. The Capn's Guide to the Fishy Stick is an in-game book that is unreadable due to being "smeared with fishy stick sauce". I entered in contact with kateri and managed to get it working. )<>\n\n<>\n\nThis mod adds a character to Morrowind who provides commentary and companionship for a large amount of the quests and locations in the game. It is NOT playable by characters who are past the Vivec Informants point in the main quest, and will be best used by characters who haven't touched the Main Quest at all yet. To get yourself even more prepared for your grand quest, go to the local armorer on the west side of Balmora. Julan has some short interactions (as in, a couple of comments. by Loriel 16 Jun 2018, 23:06, Post with various other companion "gains":"becomes")])\n}}else{if(this.flavour=="insert"||(this.flavour=="continue"&&this.trigger=="time")){vsns.push(["","becomes"])\n}}if(this.flavour=="continue"&&flen){b.nextMatch=k+b.source.slice(k).length;vsns.push([b.source.slice(k),vtype])\n}else{becomes=["becomes","gains"];c=tagcontents(b,begintags,becomes.concat(endtags),endtags,k);if(c&&endtags.indexOf(c[1])==-1){while(c){vsns.push(c);\nc=tagcontents(b,begintags,becomes,endtags,b.nextMatch)}c=tagcontents(b,begintags,["end"+e],endtags,b.nextMatch)\n}if(!c){throwError(g,"can't find matching end"+e);return}vsns.push(c);if(this.flavour=="continue"){k=b.nextMatch;\nb.nextMatch=k+b.source.slice(k).length;vsns.push([b.source.slice(k),""])}}if(this.flavour=="remove"){vsns.push(["","becomes"])\n}cn=0;m=insertElement(g,"span",null,e);m.setAttribute("data-flavour",this.flavour);h=mkspan("initial");\nvsn=vsns.shift();h.tweecode=vsn[0];showVer(h,true);while(vsns.length>0){if(vsn){vtype=vsn[1]}vsn=vsns.shift();\nh=mkspan(vtype);h.tweecode=vsn[0]}if(typeof this.setup=="function"){this.setup(m,g,f)}}function quantity(m){return(m.children.length-1)+(m.getAttribute("data-flavour")=="remove")\n}function revisionSetup(m,g,f){m.className+=" "+f[0].replace(" ","_")}function keySetup(m,g,f){var key=f[0];\nm.setEventListener("keydown",function l(e){var done=!revise("revise",m);if(done){m.removeEventListener("keydown",l)\n}})}function timeSetup(m,g,f){function cssTimeUnit(s){if(typeof s=="string"){if(s.slice(-2).toLowerCase()=="ms"){return Number(s.slice(0,-2))||0\n}else{if(s.slice(-1).toLowerCase()=="s"){return Number(s.slice(0,-1))*1000||0}}}throwError(g,s+" isn't a CSS time unit");\nreturn 0}var tm=cssTimeUnit(f[0]);setTimeout(function timefn(){var done=!revise("revise",m);if(!done){setTimeout(timefn,tm)\n}},tm)}function hoverSetup(m){var fn,noMouseEnter=(document.head.onmouseenter!==null),m1=m.children[0],m2=m.children[1],gains=m2.className.indexOf("gains")>-1;\nif(!m1||!m2){return}m1.onmouseenter=function(e){var efp=document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX,e.clientY);\nwhile(efp&&efp!==this){efp=efp.parentNode}if(!efp){return}if(this.getAttribute("data-enabled")!="false"){revise("revise",this.parentNode)\n}};m2.onmouseleave=function(e){var efp=document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX,e.clientY);while(efp&&efp!==this){efp=efp.parentNode\n}if(efp){return}if(this.getAttribute("data-enabled")!="false"){revise("revert",this.parentNode)}};if(gains){m1.onmouseleave=m2.onmouseleave\n}if(noMouseEnter){fn=function(n){return function(e){if(!event.relatedTarget||(event.relatedTarget!=this&&! Julan is compatible with Vampire Embrace, but he doesn't want to be a vampire, thanks. If you train him another 15 points after that, he will tell you he's ready for the next stage of his quest, on [[Red Mountain]]. His only possession is the common pants he wears. So, if Julan is your 20th mod to load, he needs to stay there.\n\nIf you remove a mod above him, he'd be 19th. When he sobers up, you can ask him about her to get his side of the story.\n\nOnce you've spoken to him about her, she can be found in Ahemmusa Camp, although you won't get much out of her if Julan's there, since all they can do is argue.\n\nTalk to her when he's not following to get her to tell you more, and once Julan has spoken to you about "the whole story", she will offer to tell you what really happened, but only when she returns from hunting.\n\nJulan will tell you when the time is right to go and [[seek her out again|Finding Shani]] - not until later in the main quest, after your visit to the Corprusarium. - Shani's face is by Qarl (Hot Girls Pack 3), slightly edited by me. Thanks to everyone who has sent me screenshots and tales of things you and Julan get up to. While she doesn't comment on as many quests and locations as Julan, she has her own romance quest, and a large number of conversations, both with the player and Julan. ]], you will not be able to romance Julan or Shani with it, since they have their own in-quest dialogue for this. Gah Julan is an Argonian slave at the Dren Plantation docks on Lake Hairan. If you love her, then be honest with her. #share, #credits, #bookmark, #snapback, #restart { display: none !important; }\n\n.passage .title { display: none }\n\n#storyTitle {\n font-size: 2.3em;\n font-family: "Magic Cards Normal";\n color: black;\n font-weight: normal;\n line-height: 1.0;\n}\n#sidebar #storySubtitle {\n font-size: 1.4em;\n font-family: "Magic Cards Normal";\n font-weight: normal;\n color: black;\n line-height: 1.0;\n}\n#sidebar #storyAuthor {\n font-size: 1.3em;\n font-family: "Magic Cards Normal";\n color: black;\n font-weight: normal;\n}\n\n#sidebar {\n top:0;\n left:0;\n padding-top: 4.2em;\n padding-left: 4.2em;\n width: 25em;\n line-height: 1.4;\n height: 100%;\n}\n\n#sidebar li a {\n font-family: "Magic Cards Normal";\n font-size:2.4em;\n font-weight: normal;\n line-height: 1.4;\n color: darkslateblue;\n}\n#sidebar li a:hover {\n font-family: "Magic Cards Normal";\n font-size:2.4em;\n font-weight: normal;\n line-height: 1.4;\n color: darkslateblue;\n text-shadow: BlueViolet 0em 0em 1em;\n transition: 0.5s;\n -webkit-transition: 0.5s;\n}\n\n#passages {\n border-left: palegoldenrod solid 0em;\n}\nbody { background-color: palegoldenrod }\n.passage {\n width: 32em !important;\n font-family: "Magic Cards Normal";\n margin-left: 5.0em;\n margin-top: 2.5em;\n color: black;\n font-size: 2.4em;\n font-weight: normal;\n line-height: 115%;\t\n\t \n}\n.passage a {\n color: darkslateblue;\n font-weight: normal;\n line-height: 115%;\t\n\t\n}\n.passage a:hover {\n color: darkslateblue;\n font-weight: normal;\n text-decoration: none;\n line-height: 115%;\n text-shadow: BlueViolet 0em 0em 1em;\n transition: 0.5s;\n -webkit-transition: 0.5s;\n\t\n}\n.passage center {\n\tmax-width:100%;\n}\n\n.revision-span-in {\n\topacity: 0;\n}\n.revision-span:not(.revision-span-out) {\n\ttransition: 0s; -webkit-transition: 0s;\n}\n.revision-span-out {\n\tposition:absolute;\n\topacity: 0;\n}\n, You can't proceed past the Ashlander Informant stage of the Morrowind Main Quest until you've finished Julan's [[initial quest|Training]]. Open morrowind.ini, located in the root installation folder of Morrowind, in whatever text editor you use. )\n, <><>, [[Can I upload the mod to another site?|Upload]]\n[[Can I make a patch/edited version and upload it publicly?|Patch]]\n[[Can I make a translation?|Translate]]\n[[Can I include Julan in my Morrowind fanfic/fanart?|Fanart]]\n[[Can I make my mod interact with Julan?|Interact]]\n[[Can I reuse something from the mod?|Resources]]\n, How you start the romance is slightly different depending on the gender of your PC.\n\n<>Shortly after visiting [[Mashti]] for the first time, Julan will apologise for barging into your yurt. Credits and Thanks He can follow if the player uses Intervention, Recall, boats, striders, and all the quest-related teleportation in the Tribunal expansion.\n\nBut he cannot:\n\n- Follow to a recall point set indoors, he will meet you when you next go outside.\n- Follow if a modded quest or item teleports the player. Post Spoilers: I'm currently doing the "Mashti's Matter of family" quest where you go looking for her mother/sister. You arrive at the south end of Balmora, on the west side of the city-dividing river. It's glowing blue.<><>\n\n<>Go ahead and ask [[Shani]] about "changed her mind" and listen to her story. - Other music from 178443 - Moroccan Guimbri Lute by iluppai, 140136 - Drums by xserra and 115227 - turkish baglama by xserra. (next&&next.classList.contains("gains"))||rnd){docurr(curr,notrans);doToGainerSpans(ind,docurr,notrans)\n}};var nextfn=function(){donext(next,notrans);if(rnd){doToGainerSpans(ind2+1,donext,notrans)}};if(!rev){currfn();\nnextfn()}else{nextfn();currfn()}return(cyc?true:(rev? Please note that you will miss out on Shani's [[standard romance arc|romance Shani?]] by Vangrel 17 Jun 2018, 13:43, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. (This was necessary for story-pacing reasons! To turn it on, open the console and type: set ks_knockout to 1 Once you've decided you're done with Seyda Neen for the time-being, head to the east end of town and take a Stilt Strider to Balmora. There are thousands and thousands of lines of dialogue, much of it quite colloquial, and full of things like sarcasm that might trip translators up. If you must, open the other door, behind which waits the Ancestor Ghost - chances are, you won't have anything that can kill it (normal weapons have no effect), so make your way in quickly, pick up the scroll and other things of worth in the room, and take off - the Ancestor Ghost really can't cause enough damage to worry you so long as you make your raid quick. You arrive at the south end of Balmora, on the west side of the city-dividing river. The room is dark, but you should have no problem knocking out the two pests. When you've talked to both of them, they will leave to talk in private, and you'll have to wait for a while. ), and head into the cave. If it's his strength, you can tell him to cast a restore attribute spell to fix it. Creatures summoned by Julan have been scripted to try and avoid it, but still be careful and save first.\n\n- Companions often have a "auto-move" or "please move" option to get them to stop blocking your way. - Don't give him Constant Effect items, they might start working backwards due to a game engine bug. Like all Argonians, he is immune to poison, has a resistance to disease, and can breathe underwater; otherwise he knows no spells. These get forwarded to a folder that I check more often than my inbox. Cue the swelling music - this is your first chance to experience a Morrowind side-quest (we'll get back to the Telvanni agents in a bit). Qarl's The Underground)\nMods that affect the Ahemmusa Ashlanders may conflict, as I've added new scripts to them which may be overwritten by, eg, face replacers. If you have trouble keeping Julan alive, you can open the console and type:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;set KS_Knockout to 1@@\n\nwhich makes Julan faint instead of die, provided he doesn't take too much damage all at once. (function(){version.extensions.replaceMacrosCombined={major:1,minor:1,revision:5};var nullobj={handler:function(){}};\nfunction showVer(n,notrans){if(!n){return}n.innerHTML="";new Wikifier(n,n.tweecode);n.setAttribute("data-enabled","true");\"inline";n.classList.remove("revision-span-out");if(!notrans){n.classList.add("revision-span-in");\nif(n.timeout){clearTimeout(n.timeout)}n.timeout=setTimeout(function(){n.classList.remove("revision-span-in");\nn=null},1)}}function hideVer(n,notrans){if(!n){return}n.setAttribute("data-enabled","false");n.classList.remove("revision-span-in");\nif(n.timeout){clearTimeout(n.timeout)}if(!notrans){n.classList.add("revision-span-out");n.timeout=setTimeout(function(){if(n.getAttribute("data-enabled")=="false"){n.classList.remove("revision-span-out");\"none";n.innerHTML=""}n=null},1000)}else{"none";n.innerHTML="";n=null\n}}function tagcontents(b,starttags,desttags,endtags,k){var l=0,c="",tg,a,i;function tagfound(i,e,endtag){for(var j=0;\nj//Map data from [[]]//\n\nShe should be home, although not very pleased to meet you.\n\nFollow Julan's suggestion, and go to the storage yurt. Talk to your neighbor in the chamber and call him his name. from Emma's And thanks, of course, to Bethesda for Morrowind! Post about your mods, learn about OpenMW mod compatibility, check for problematic mods, discuss issues, and give us feedback about your experience with modded OpenMW. It's a good idea to leave alone the creatures that don't attack you - you could compromise your health too much if you try and kill everything in sight. I have no idea! Talk to your neighbor in the chamber and call him his name. If Julan's not following, he will tell you the real reason the Ahemmusa hate Mashti so much. Obviously.\n\nLeave Julan outside, and talk to Ahmabi in the ashkhan's yurt about Mashti's "marriage". No guarantee of good behaviour! Check the FAQ. Simply bring it back to Eydis (when she asks for it, give it up!). 6. More spoilery details [[here.|Romance]]<>\n\n<>If you're male, take her up on her date offer. from The major new additions from previous versions include: I do use over 100 mods in my own game, but none that will affect the walkthrough. When he tells you that you don't need him any more, you can tell him you love him.<>\n\nCan we <>Yes! Would you let a total stranger rifle through your pockets and tell you what to wear?\n\nIf you visit a major city, or enter Under Skar in Ald'ruhn, Julan will ask your advice about clothing, opening the companion share option.\n\nIf he used to have companion share, but has somehow lost it, open the console, click Julan, and type:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;set companion to 1@@. This pack makes the hair available to Wood and High Elves, Redguards,

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