Mahidevran Sultan once hit hurrem untill her face turned to a bloody puddle, something that didn't please the sultan. Hurrem also unlike Mahidevran All the facts have been laid out but you still want to call Mahidevran a sultana when she wasn't: she didn't legally marry Suleyman, nor was the mother of a sultan. Other sources indicate that Mahidevran is of Abkhaz origin.Recently, I found quite interesting information on the Internet, from which I learned other details about the origin of Mahidevran Sultan.A few years ago, a man declared that he was a descendant of Mahidevran Sultan. Mahidevran gave birth to her son with Sultan Suleiman, Mustafa, at only 15 years old. Contrary to popular belief, this did not immediately make her the Ba Kadn or head consort as Suleiman had two other living sons at the time. [6] (talk) 02:19, 1 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], Popular culture and Ottoman court etiquette are two different things. [i][11], Shaykh Qutb al-Din al-Nahrawali, a Meccan religious figure, who visited Istanbul in late 1557, noted in his memoirs that Hurrem Sultan was of Ruthenian origin. And for your information, if you read all the wikipedia articles, all women that didn't marry the sultan stayed as hatun unless they became Valide (as Nurbanu). I oppose changing the title from Sultan to Hatun. She's a hatun, not a legal wife, still had similar privilege as a haseki, her son didn't become sultan: all the facts point to her not being officially a sultana. Since the empire lacked, until the reign of Ahmed I (16031617), any formal means of nominating a successor, successions usually involved the death of competing princes in order to avert civil unrest and rebellions. Hurrem's contemporaries describe her as a woman who was strikingly good-looking, and different from everybody else because of her red hair. Magnificent century (Muhtesem Yuzy by I heart Duncan James. Of these, Mahidevran's son Mustafa was the eldest and preceded Hurrem's children in the order of succession. In one of her letters to Suleiman, she informs him about the situation of the plague in the capital. [49] Artists Titian, Melchior Lorich, and Sebald Beham were all influential in creating a visual representation of Roxelana. We will review the memorials and decide if they should be merged. Although he never visited Istanbul, he either imagined her appearance or had a sketch of her. Instead, he attended it. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and stay up to date on History of Royal Women's articles! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Mahidevran was chief consort as a mother of the oldest surviving son of Suleiman the Magnificent. WebAnd Mahidevran was the proud mother of Sehzade Mustafa,who was the most potential and talented heir apparent to the throne.And Mahidevran was not like the other Consorts of For Ukrainian language novels, see Osyp Nazaruk (1930) (English translation is available). Hurrem and Mahidevran were 2 main consorts. Hurrem Haseki Sultan, or Roxelana, is well-known both in modern Turkey and in the West, and is the subject of many artistic works. On the contrary, I sympathize with Mahidevran Hatun. And there is lots of lots of doubts about the title of this woman. [8] [9] Though Hurrem was more favored, Mahidevran was still a wife and mother of heir apparent. [9], During the reign of Selim I,[10] which means some time between 1512 and 1520, Crimean Tatars kidnapped her during one of their CrimeanNogai slave raids in Eastern Europe. (talk) 22:11, 1 April 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply]. Thank you (talk) 18:32, 28 March 2016 (UTC) Webmahidevran. Mahidevran Turbesi6.jpg 315 470; 18 KB. [30], Mustafa was supported by Ibrahim Pasha, who became Suleiman's grand vizier in 1523. It was a clear sign for Mahidevran and Mustafa; he might be the oldest son, but he was not the favourite one. This King (Sultan) did not have many successors left by 1511, for his only surviving son was Prince Sulieman (who later became Suleiman the Magnificent). In attempting to avoid the execution of her sons, Hurrem used her influence to eliminate those who supported Mustafa's accession to the throne. He was a talented soldier from his childhood. And I have an interesting video for the newer.Today I want to tell you about Mahidevran Sultan, who she really is.Mahidevran Sultan is the mother of Shehzade Mustafa. Popular culture calls her that way because in some theatre plays she's erroneously addressed like that, just as any work of FICTION. Peirce, Leslie (2017). She did not spend her last years in poverty, as her stepson, You can infer and speculate and theorize all you want, but history is history and I find it highly disrespectful and arrogant that you think your abstractions are worth more than the reality of events. Mahidevran had only one son, it was Mustafa. "She was said to have been the most beautiful girl in the dynasty and out-stood in beauty in a land which was known for it. Mahidevran played a great role during her sons education as governor. For the record, you still failed to answer my question, rephrasing; why in some theatre plays she's the only Hatun ranked consort who is erroneously addressed like Sultana? Also, the rules are clear: no woman other than the sultan's own female blood relatives and main wife use the title of sultan [7]. Hope you got my point. WebMihrimah Sultan (1522 - January 25, 1578) was the daughter of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and his wife Hrrem Sultan. [40] Her mausoleum is adjacent to Suleiman's, a separate and more somber domed structure, at the courtyard of the Sleymaniye Mosque. She wasn't able to smile as she once did, and she didn't show much generosity towards her The reason I call for a page title is to respect Ottoman customs and history, nothing more. The problem with the sources you cite is that they're recent and are rooted in speculation, just as all of your post above. Depriving someone of their last name or title for your own satisfaction is NOT just, it's highly misleading and causes conflict with Ottoman history. Nurbanus mosque was the first constructed in the capital by a woman of the dynasty to have two minarets. Hence it can be asserted that she held an very influential position in Suleiman's harem: according to Ottoman traditions, she was Suleiman's Chi Ba Kadn. In this case, Suleiman not only broke the old custom, but began a new tradition for the future Ottoman sultans: To marry in a formal ceremony and to give their consorts significant influence on the court, especially in matters of succession. Best. I dont see why someone should expand these articles as seen from the title and the heated discussion on chief consort below that even sources are not enough and I just cant do such long discussions. My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. Little Prince Mehmet (named after Mustafas half-brother) wasexecuted at just six years old. The source is "BBC your paintings". [18] According to Bernardo Navagero's report, as a result of the bitter rivalry a fight between the two women broke out, with Mahidevran beating Hurrem, which angered Suleiman. Wikipedia doesn't work like that. But "sultan" is not a nickname: "sultan" is a royal manner of addressing that is deeply ingrained in Ottoman culture and reflects the times of the events that unfolded(such as the change in their use as generations passed).,,,,,, It is believed that Hurrem's influence contributed to Suleiman's decision. She quotes the sultan as saying, "with the old king we were like brothers, and if it pleases the All-Merciful God, with this king we will be as father and son." (talk) 13:40, 4 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], I agree with the latest proposal. Despite Mahidevrans warnings, he stayed in close contact with the other princes. In rare cases, an autopsy needs to be performed by a pathologist. Her influence with Suleiman made her one of the most powerful women in Ottoman history and in the world at that time. "Sultan" had many meanings throughout history and did reflect the status and the way of interacting of the times; if we want to accurately depict history then, at last, she's a "hatun". In the Ottoman imperial family tradition, a sultan's consort was to remain in the harem only until her son came of age (around 16 or 17), after which he would be sent away from the capital to govern a faraway province, and his mother would follow him. The leading cause of death in subjects with preserved EF was noncardiovascular disease (49%) versus coronary heart disease (43%) for subjects with reduced EF. But like I said I assume that was Mahidevran who accompanied sulieman I am not sure because the book only mentioned his favorite accompanied him in a formal ceremony to Intanbul when he became Sultan. However, if you feel otherwise, you could always simply revert the changes or add the "unreliable source" template with reasoning. In her second letter to Sigismund Augustus, written in response to his letter, Hurrem expresses in superlative terms her joy at hearing that the king is in good health and that he sends assurances of his sincere friendliness and attachment towards Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. [16]:131 After Hrrem resided at Topkap it became known as the New Palace (saray- jedid).[28]. Though Hurrem must have been called Sultana first, the Ottoman dynamics simply couldn't allow such discrepancy within the Harem that once the title "Sultan" is started being used for favorite wives, that they don't called the first favorite with the same title. Why does she have sultan next to her name? If you are, however, still convinced that only Peirce's book is authentic source for the Ottomans, try putting this "concubinage" information in Ottoman Empire in details as explained by Leslie and see the response of Turks and Ottoman followers by yourself. [23], Hurrem became the first consort to receive the title Haseki Sultan. Roxelana (Ukrainian: , romanized:Roksolana; lit. She's only ever referred to as Mahidevran Khatun or Hatun in sources, see The Imperial Harem, pages 55, 61 and 367. The letters also suggest Hurrem's strong desire to establish personal contact with the king. Above all, her being mother of heir apparent is not a popular culture but a fact. Like mentioned before, popular culture adopts from what has happened in the past. Mahidevran was: theoretically, the daughter of a hatun, a birinci kadin, but never a sultana: she didn't legally marry Suleyman. [16]:131, Her joyful spirit and playful temperament earned her a new name, Hurrem, from Persian Khorram, "the cheerful one". Simply put, a natural death is one that occurs due to an internal factor that causes the body to shut down, such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes. 1581 deaths. Give me one name of the mother of potential heir to the throne (like mustafa) who wasn't called Sultana after 1500. [27] In defiance of this age-old custom, Hurrem stayed behind in the harem, even after her sons went to govern the empire's remote provinces. Please correct that. This is your own point of view that just because she was called cariye she was of non-notable family. Hurrem's influence in state affairs not only made her one of the most influential women, but also a controversial figure in Ottoman history, especially in her rivalry with Mahidevran and her son ehzade Mustafa, and the grand viziers Pargal Ibrahim Pasha and Kara Ahmed Pasha. "[29], Hurrem Sultan is known as the first woman in Ottoman history to concern herself with state affairs. Please be fair. After the death of Suleiman's mother Hafsa Sultan in 1534, Hurrem's influence in the palace increased, and she took over the ruling of the Harem. A few years later, [41] Hurrem was also intelligent and had a pleasant personality. Hurrem acted as Suleiman's advisor on matters of state, and seems to have had an influence upon foreign policy and on international politics. Another conflict occurred when Ibrahim and his former mentor, skender elebi, repeatedly clashed over military leadership and positions during the Safavid war. Also, a Sultana was a woman in Sultan's family, being a mother of heir apparent living in the Harem at the same time the title Haseki was used for Hurrem, it can be asserted that she was also called Sultana, due to the fact that in her time (when Hurrem came along) Sultana title was already started being used for royal consorts regardless if they were haseki or not, see example of Mahfiruz Hatice Sultan, who was niether haseki nor Valide. [32] After three other grand viziers in eight years, Suleiman selected Hurrem's son-in-law, Damat Rstem Pasha, husband of Mihrimah, to become the grand vizier. Specially every Circassion origin theory. Trk Tarih Kurumu Basmevi. [9][10], Though Mahidevran Sultan may not have been a Haseki, she was the mother of ehzade Mustafa, the eldest surviving son of the reigning Sultan and the crown prince of the imperial throne. Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:17, 3 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], The other wives, also not legally married to the sultan, were called "kadin" or "hatun". Most other sixteenth-century Western sources on Hurrem, which are considered highly authoritative today such as Turcicae epistolae (English: The Turkish Letters) of Ogier de Busbecq, the Emissary of the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I at the Porte between 1554 and 1562; the account of the murder of ehzade Mustafa by Nicholas de Moffan; the historical chronicles on Turkey by Paolo Giovio; and the travel narrative by Luidgi Bassano derived from hearsay.[11]. For the first and only time in the Ottoman Empire, a female sultan exchanged letters with a king. Mustafa had a great sympathy towards his half-brothers, especially to Beyazt and Cihangir (the youngest ones). Meanwhile, another woman grabbed the eye of Suleiman; she gave birth to her firstson (Mehmet) that same year and endangered Mahidevrans position. Memorial ID. [6][7][8] In Istanbul, Valide Hafsa Sultan selected Hurrem as a gift for her son, Suleiman. WebAfter the death of Mustafa, Mahidevran lost her status in the palace as the mother of the heir apparent and moved to Bursa. Around 1530, Mustafa was appointed to govern Manisa, as a part of his education and old Turkish tradition. Prominent Ukrainian writer Pavlo Zahrebelny describes Hurrem as "an intelligent, kind, understanding, openhearted, candid, talented, generous, emotional and grateful woman who cares about the soul rather than the body; who is not carried away with ordinary glimmers such as money, prone to science and art; in short, a perfect woman."[43]. Either way, this was another significant break from established customs, as Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror had specifically issued a decree to the effect that no women would be allowed to reside in the same building where government affairs were conducted. These incidents launched a series of events which culminated in his execution in 1536 by Suleiman's order. I guess the authors were inspired by Illuminatis;) (just a joke, no offense) Anyway, I can't argue with you, I can only simply ask for an admin's attention to all of your WP:OR. According to him, Mahidevran Sultan was the daughter of Prince Idar Temryuk.Was it really so? About the recently revived edit war on the Origins of Mahidevran, I would like to clear that I am not a descendant of Mahidevran, I just came across the Genealogy document and thought it was rather convincing one. Mahidevran became his favourite woman probably when she was fifteen, and she had a son (Mustafa). I am sorry but Facts do NOT leave room for doubts. There must be only one, with correct facts that inform people with the necessary information, and the reader, not the editor, is the one who makes the interpretation. Friday Social Amazing volunteers host Christmas dinner. Brian Walters and Mark Walter, both of Timaru, have started the new year with a kick and a punch, having just completed their Seido From Timaru to Melbourne, to appearing in the hit television showRupauls Drag Race: Down UndertoRentthe musical, Bailey Dunnage is returning to his home town A Guinness World Record would be the icing on Millie Roses (cup)cake.The Timaru cupcake designer drew a crowd outside her Stafford St boutique on Christmas is about many things, including the gift of giving, and that is exactly what the Bikers Rights Organisation of New Zealand (Bronz) Timaru South Canterbury artist Hamish Cameron has drawn on 30 years of painting and poetry to bringFolioto life. I got this text from this reference if anyone have an actual book name to cite then please update. [36] In Jerusalem she established the Haseki Sultan Imaret in 1552, a public soup kitchen to feed the poor,[37] which was said to have fed at least 500 people twice a day. Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:21, 3 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], It is of much importance that the article you cite mentions Nurbanu Sultan as being a "bas kadin" when talking about the fact that, despite "kadin" and "haseki sultan" carried different meanings, they had equivalent importance in the harem. [6][7][8] Her native language was Ruthenian, the precursor to modern Ukrainian. .mw-parser-output .brokenref{display:none}Cite error: There are tags on this page, but the references will not show without a {{reflist|group=note}} template (see the help page). Mustafa became verypopular in the region under the guidance of his mother. In this article the sentence about Mahidevran's origin had been changed several times. During the start of 15th century, the Ottoman dynasty was taking over the territories of its rivals more rapidly than before. [1] The precise year that she entered the harem is unknown, but scholars believe that she became Suleiman's concubine around the time he became sultan in 1520. Yes, it was and the series shouldve put more emphasis on Valide Sultanas criticism of her behaviour. Hurrem and Mahidevran really did fight, but While she was serving as the mother to heir apparent she was considered a Sultan's family member (Ottoman court etiquette), hence the title. Not the favourite one nurbanus mosque was the daughter of Prince Idar it. Receive the title Haseki Sultan warnings, he stayed in close contact with the latest.. History and in the capital its rivals more rapidly than before six years old but a fact never Istanbul! 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