But the spelling and use of punctuation was needed and also you could use some more descriptive words. At the end of the expedition we leave a wonderful place and head back into the real world. I have the white bedside table right next to my bed because well i need something to put my drink on, and I think that's the same for my sister. I think you have used some good verbs to describe your room and it has lots of information. I enter the room and dump my bulky school bags onto the ground. The cleanliness of my room is not good at all. Mine is to the right of the door and facing it, whereas Sams is directly in front of the door facing towards it too. It can survive an entire month of cleanliness before succumbing to the fall of clothes and chocolate wrappers. I have two massive windows which are connected to a door that leads outside into one of our three gardens. So try using better descriptive words. My next topic is my rooms cleanliness. Can't see any spelling errors good job . Also another way to brighten the room would be to open the curtains. Still have questions? It is a square shape with a little rectangle that leads to the door. When you walk into my room you will see famous NBA (National Basketball Administration) players, such as Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan and Allen Iverson it's like my gold to my treasure box. In my room I also have a painting the my Aunty drew for me, It is a huge field of wheat with huts in them but no people from what you can see. My room could be a bit neater though! There is a big window at the back of the room. But at one point you said in your accessories paragraph "But they aren't dirty they are actually quite clean all thanks to my dog." I have fairy lights that are pink and gold, my desk is blue while my chair is a lime green. It holds over 40 books as well as countless keepsakes, wires and old toys. You had lots of adjectives to back up your nouns. Bedrooms need to have the perfect layout so that you have floor space in your room to do things, personally I have enough floor space. I would like my room to be neater and tidyer so my mother would not be nagging at me all the time saying pick up your clothes Bree or make your bed Bree. Lots of descriptive words and nouns and adjectives make for interesting writing and make it really easy to read. The delicate carpet instantly warms up my feet. All my shiny medals from past sporting events and competitions hang next to my wardrobe. Your description was enjoyable to read. I, myself, like my room a lot, its not perfect but its very me and its filled with things I love like sport and photography. Well in my bedroom I have blue and white walls. For example, a child who loves to be out playing on the streets but needs to be indoors by 5pm might come home and say: Its a prison in here! Then there's my desk covered in books, pens and rubbish along with my PJs and sports gear spread everywhere . My bedframe is made out of a dark wood and is the size of a king single. Pictures and paintings would also make my room have a bit more zest. What is the rising action of faith love and dr lazaro? Next to that there is 2 shelfs about 1 meter long one is 30 centimeters higher than the other the bottom one is black and the top one is white and on top is legos that I built when I was young. I have heaps of shells laying around the room and of course the posters and paintings of the beach. Wispy, rancid, airy, musty, stale, fresh, putrid, faint, light, floral, and acrid are all adjectives that could pertain to smell. When you walk in you will see my bed, cupboard, desk, drawers and my bed side table. Or, it is a metaphor that could be used if you have just cooked a big messy meal and turned around to see that there is flour and vegetable scraps and plates and bowls all over the counter. I love the way you have proven that your room is one of your favourite places. So now you know about my room, I hope you can visualize it and my topics were the furniture, accessories, colors and the layout. My hands are ice. My bedroom. My bedroom layout includes two sets of windows, both made with with grey aluminium and double glazed glass. So let's explore the den people called my room. Or, it might be used to express how dirty the home is. Skateboards are propped up against the plain back wall next to my bed. On the far wall where the window is there is beautiful multi-coloured painting of a cow and in the right hand wall there is a small built in wardrobe with a mirror on one of the doors and on the other there is the same deep sea green as on my feature wall. Here, were creating a metaphor by saying a person is our home. Closest to the door, there is a bookshelf, bursting with divine specimens begging to be devoured. My duvet has many colours and matches everything in my room, including my bright pink beanbag. The layout of my room is your everyday large square room allowing a big area to dot items around, such as a bright white, built in wardrobe, a comforting king single or the small baby blue couch. The accessories in my room are small but big enough. The most recurring feature would be its lovely and soft texture which you could possibly just lie on forever. Then let's go on this virtual tour of my bedroom. and at night when it's extremely cold I turn on my speedy heating friend my electric blanket and snuggle right down into my black and white duvet and my purple fluffy sheets. I have massive two windows that take up almost all of the wall. But there are a few errors like no enters between your intro and first point. With the pastel colours and gold coloured curtains, it gives the room a lot of light. The bedroom is a place of solitude, a place to just relax, I spend most of my time either sleeping or reading and the rest of the time is for cleaning, it's not the fanciest but it's mine. I also have my Xbox which is of the things I play when Im not doing anything. I like the clear description, so it's easy to visualise. I did the wrong thing. I noticed that one word keep coming up wrong, it was colour. This simile is used to describe the letters Roland and Maud find at Seal Court, in Christabel's Lv 7. If you said your home was a warzone, you might think it wasnt a particularly nice place to be. I have to share my room with my big brother, Sam. You did'n't go into detail about your furniture we don't know what patterns or colours they are. They are also quite long and the spelling is really good. Let me tell you about my favourite place to be AKA my bed. Although I dont really like the blue on my walls and the colour of my floor so itd be good if that could have a change. My bed layout is in the corner of the room with a bit of space in the middle of the room. This situation becomes extra annoying in the afternoon, where the sun is falling down to the horizon, which makes is way too bright when Im sitting at my desk and doing homework. So overall your writing is amazing. You described your bedroom well. I also have a desk and chair next to my big window. Im Chris and I run this website a resource about symbolism, metaphors, idioms, and a whole lot more! We have a old square tv holder thingy that I used to swing on until I put a hole in the wall, its still there. How long will the footprints on the moon last? Example 1: Your vocabulary was really good, you used nouns and adjectives well. It may be the second smallest room in the house but Im proud to call it mine.This style of bedroom works well for me and fits me perfectly. SOPHIES BEDROOM Over all it was still one of your best work. There are lots of accessories in the room. Some of your words are a little bit repeated. The underfloor heating is the main source of heat in our house. The carpet a deep chocolate brown to complement a pure white set of draws. 3rd paragraph "one of them are a full size katana" should be And now for the couch The one thing I hate about my room and cant get rid of it. My messy bed is on the far wall furthest away from the cream white door with an old wooden dresser at the end. I think that you could work on adding a few more descriptive words. Style of the room is mine and only mine if anyone can match my unique style they all mash up together to make the bedroom mine. Firstly, in my opinion I think that this bedroom is the best for my kind of personality. I also have surfing posters around the room of surfers that I admire and aspire to be like someday. The last thing in my room is my bed. And the last of my accessories is the bulletin board. Chargers, Polaroid, medals and cards are a big part of my accessories. I would give you a 3. Antenna Tv Buffalo, My bedroom. My pictures, my belongings, my personal space. Love Mum x. DOOGIES BEDROOM Yes it can be very messy and there are times I cannot stand that mess any more so I tidy it. There is the washing machine and all the dirty clothes from the laundry in my room because our new house is very small. It use to be an old garage but was renovated into a bedroom that Im proud to call it mine. Muesli bar wrappers, food wrappers and clothes tags are a common item found on my floor. All my clothes and shoes are hidden away in the wardrobe so you dont have to see them. Behind the door is a yellow, green and red stacker box with Jacksons toys in it. But you a lot of descriptive words. My bedroom, my bedroom is like my very own house all to me, no-one is allowed in without permission except the cat and dog (mainly the cat). Now, were talking about the place of work starting to feel like youre home because youre there so much. A normal room for a 13 year old. I can imagine what your room would be like. My bedroom is Santa's workshop during December. So I think that I don't really have a style because it just a bit of everything some old stuff and some new stuff. You have described your room well and I can paint a picture. My king single bed is positioned against the wall with the big square window and next to that is a white bedside table filled with junk that hasnt been used in years! Well writen Eddie I couldnt find any mistakes the only thing that I really noticed was the paragraphs are a bit short. In my room I have a book on my beside table that I am reading and I have books in my wardrobe that I have already read or need to be read. My bedroom is exactly the way I like it, there is a chair in the corner which is very comfortable. This crossword clue Metaphor for Beneath the mountain is a variety of my calves running in the evening sun. On my bed I have, to be precise three cushions and two pillows that are all multi coloured. Accessories, accessories are big in my room because I picked them personally and they were given to me as gifts but they are apart of my favorite things. I like the color because it's not to fancy it's just the right color so it doesn't make me constantly wanting to change the color. Next to my bed is a cabinet and some draws next to that. No one can get in except for me. There is a slight problem with my room. Other than using my bedroom for sleeping I use it for quiet time, keeping up with what's on social media and sometimes doing my homework. 3+. I think your writing has really improved this year. Well done. We dont need all these lights on!. This final piece of text will be explaining the lighting. I think Annie has given an accurate and fair description of her room. On one side is a white metal pole and on the other is a white wooden slab to keep the desk up and stable. There are so many little pieces to remember that I dont even know nearly half of them even exist. The best metaphors come from the heart. 4 out of 5. So my bedroom might be small, but for now its just way I want it. The next thing you eyes will find is my small black bedside table. Your punctuation is also correct, and I didn't see any wrong. you also need to indent your paragraphs. Emma I like how consistent you are on your punctuation's It is good how you used them. My bedroom is in the middle of two other bedrooms. I deposit myself there to snuggle up with a book, stroke my darling cat or simply sit on my bed, daydreaming, soaking up the sacred silence. I personally love my bedroom. The walls of my room are brown and the door is white the a gray handle. It has a great layout because of the way that my comfy double bed gets most of the sun.As you open the door to my bedroom a sudden warmth invites you in. The layout of my room is all over the place. It describes your room well. Overall I love my room just the way it is. Love reading your stories as always! Another person who might call their home a prison could be someone who feels like theyre sick of being at home on vacation and wants to go back to school. But besides from that it is an awesome room and I love it. Overall I love my room to pieces because it belongs to me. Big books and small books. My Bedroom Great detail in your paragraphs Jessie. You described thing very well. 2. Before long, the divide between work and home is blurred, and you can even metaphorically call your home a workplace because they appear so similar. There are special items in my bedroom that cost a lot of money and one of those accessories are my Hats . The Five Imdb Parents Guide, I am lucky as the sunlight peeks over the fence and smothers my walls with a bright, warm glow. All Rights Reserved. I wonder what you would change about it if you had the chance too? I use them both for school work (homework) or for other needs. The view in spring is amazing as all of the plants have flowered and the perfume of these flowers is often in my room. I love the way it looks and I wouldnt change it and thats the way I like it! But all of this mess isn't caused by me its made by my annoying, loud and messy sister (Well that's what I like to think) Were most comfortable there, which is why we have the idiom: I feel right at home. I liked how your story told a true picture of how your room is. As you enter my bedroom the first thing you see is the large divider that sits in the middle of my room separating my sister and I. But good over all, Shadyn this is an accurate explanation of your teenage boy's bedroom. This layout works really well for me. For next time you could use more vocabulary and try not to repeat words. The furniture in my room fits nicely with my double bed in the corner by my door, my bedside table beside that, my desk in the corner beside the windows and my chair beside my wardrobe. Im going to tell you four things about my room, the layout, accessories, colours and finally the style of the room. I like the feel, the carpet, my bed and the size of it. Every morning I need to make sure my bed is neat and tidy. I have some great accessories in my room that can give you a story about my personality. This was both literal and metaphorical in the movie Shrek where the ogre Shrek lived in a swamp. Someone who doesnt like being at home might call it a prison. So, now the walls. metaphors to describe a bedroom the root operation that is defined as correcting a portion of The blankets on my bed are very colourful there is a bright red, white and grey striped blanket, a soft pink one and a plain white one. The tabletop itself is dusty with dried gum and I think even an empty skittles packet. You really made me think of what your room would've looked like with your little brothers toy box and with the bog window and the red wall. So, you can use this metaphor! Good description Bree. I usually put the feathered ones at the bottom and the cotton ones on the top. Similes and metaphors create strong imagery when used sparingly. My dresser is made of dark brown wood, with some clothes that hang out the drawers. I like it this way because it's bright and colourful. It was a great story. My photo frames have a glass border with a little butterfly in the corner to make it not as boring. In the left corner when you walk in is a stack of books, a few being written in swedish. Adjectives can describe the general, overall quality of the smell. But one particular sport the theme is based on is Basketball. You needed to double check your punctuation and spelling as there are quite a few mistakes when it comes to these areas. How my bedroom looks? The next thing your eyes are drawn to is the cluttered, varnished oak shelf in the back left corner of my room. Another is made by myself, I got to design and paint it however I liked. Now what it looks like so I have a blue carpet and cream colored walls and a rug in the corner of my room. I personally like the way my bedroom feels and looks. You can see the green and purple lettuce growing in the sauna like glass house and the drenched clothes hanging on the washing line. The furniture in my room is rather basic. There is smelly rugby gear, warm ski gear and dirty clothes all over the floor. Teatukuras bedroom Quite a few good words but a lot of bland words in your writing making it a bit boring. I love the vibrant colours and all my family photos stuck on my wardrobe and how much room I have to store clothes etc. I think your punctuation is good but some of your sentences are quiet long, you should of made them into 2 sentences instead of 1. Your punctuation is really good, but you are missing a few commas and had some capital letters missing. My room is VERY messy. Surprisingly the first thing 506 Words 3 Pages Ice-Metaphors In the poem Ice the author uses Metaphors to create a feeling of emptiness to the reader. 3+. Virgo Descendant: Personality Traits and Compatibility, Taurus Descendant: Personality Traits and Compatibility, Scorpio Descendant: Personality Traits and Compatibility.

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