That was a really morbid question. Lincoln: They shoved a bar of soap in my mouth and repeatedly punched me until I couldnt move. "Hello, Bobby", Lincoln said, "I'd like a meat lovers pizza.". You girls are just a bunch of, of (Lincoln takes a deep breath, and yells out an insult to the girls that is blocked off by a bunch of crows flying off, cawing loudly. She witnessed him playing with her, and tucking her in at night. -Lincoln L. Loud, author of The Dome Home. Luna: Just get crayons and paper and i'll explain more! Those selfish girls! Lincoln: (adding the finishing touches) There. Lincoln: Yeah. - Lola said nicely, LENI: Yeah, we love you, Linky. THE POINT IS THAT I'M IN PAIN BECAUSE OF YOU IDIOTS! I made my own comic based on my experience living here. She looks down and sees a button. Lynn: Because we want you to feel how it was when we were forced to do all of the work, while you were sitting back, watching! The Loud House Fanfiction: Crushed.The Loud kids are all outside.Lori and Leni are taking selfies, Luna is playing guitar, Luan is talking to Mr. Coconuts, Lynn is bouncing a ball off of the side of the house, Lincoln is reading comics under a tree that Lucy is hanging upside-down from, Lola and Lana are playing princesses and knights, and. - Lincoln said. - Lori said meanly. Lucy: At least you got an A in Art. This, along with "The Diary of a Loud", are considered my darkest stories. She dips Lily from off the floor and hugs her deeply. Lincoln: (yawns, then groans. "Hey, I found a picture," Lily says in an excited tone. (Bobby drives off. It has a note attached to it. Lincoln looks on with utter shock in his eyes. - Lincoln said happily, (Lincoln then got on top of the slide and slide down to his sisters, they cheer is excitement, Lincoln then begin having fun with his siblings). Lincoln: Yep. He then drops his stuff and helps Lori up and help her get upstairs. - Luna explained, LENI: I don't wan't my little Linky getting hurt. Curious, he change into his clothes and run through the backyard, he see's the girls in the front yard in a deluxe pool, they're having tons of fun; Lincoln then walk back in the house and sits on his bed). Lincoln: Why do you have my homemade comic?! So they decided to create what they destroyed, a comic book., The sisters lured the boy into the living room to read this book so they can say WE'RE SORRY.. They inspect her ankle, and to their horror sees a giant swell on it. "Hehe," Lana began before warm tears overtook her. After a while, Lincoln gets back up from his bed) - Lincoln said. Lincoln arrived back home at the front door. The sisters are moved by these drawings that they hang them on the wall, and look at them with pride), (All the lights in the house turn off as the family goes to sleep). LOLA: Hey, Linky. They destroyed something I loved, so I hate them, too. With Lincoln in the hospital, and the Loud House decending from organized chaos to just chaos, Lori takes it upon herself to fill in Lincoln's place as peacekeeper until her little brother wakes up. We're glad to see you happy again. You forced me to go and I was bad luck?! Lincoln is diagnosed with brain tumors and he is only expected to live for two weeks. All of the neighbors also have their jaws dropped. We wish your ankle with all of the care it could ever have and we just want to end this off by saying, Lori is even more heartwarmed by the card. Dawn plays a guitar solo that was so loud, the entire house went deaf. When has that ever happened? Lynn: You should've stuck with your job in the first place, you made us do all of that work! The parents are sitting on bed in their room and they were expecting their sixth child. Lincoln: Don't you see, everytime something has happen to me because of you girls, you always came back and apologized, doing whatever you can for me. "I will always remember and recover, but i'll never forgive and forget!" "But, if he died, why don't I remember him?" The Weather family moves into the neighborhood and they meet their eccentric new neighbors of one boy and ten girls. LOLA: Oh. Luna: Forget about whos who, dudes. Leni: Oh, Linky. The joke of Lincoln's swear being blocked off by crows and everyone reacting appalled to what they just heard is derived from. Lincoln, scared at whats happening, struggles to free himself. LORI: That is literally so sad. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. (groans) - Lincoln yells, frustrated, (The girls have finally arrive home from a fun time at the amusement park, they see an angry Lincoln with his arms crossed), LINCOLN: Where have you ten been?! After they had finished on what they had wanted to say about their brother, others took part in the discussion. When Lincoln is gravely injured by Luna, the rest of the family is left to ponder how close they really are, and discover how frail a family bond truly is. - Lisa said, tearing up, LINCOLN: C'mon, let's go home. Leni: Lets apologize to Lincoln in the form of a comic.. Lucy: Grab a sheet of paper and lets start drawing. Lynn: (immitating Lincoln) Says the one who wanted to lead us! Lynn Loud Sr: Can we go home now? After an accident, Lincoln is left in a coma. Clyde: Awesome! - Lucy ask. LISA: And Lynn should've known that you burp while you sleep! Lily still couldn't get a grasp of what she was trying to tell her. The sisters, Clyde, Bobby and Ronnie Anne slowly back away from Lincoln, and dash off. (It cuts to Royal Woods, Michigan all covered in snow, and the Christmas decorations are set up, Snow plows were plowing snow off the roads and sidewalks, the fireplace was lit up and everyone was poring in hot cocoa, from the radio and Television airwaves, Patchy Drizzle was making a weather statement) Patchy. Lincoln: Its called conflict. How can a story properly move without conflict? Dicy makes an experiment that was so destructive, that her bedroom is too dangerous to enter? That is not true! The remote drops on the floor with a thud. They look outside to see the inflatable slide open), (The girls see a sticky note on his bed, it reads Reminder: Season Premiere of ARGGH!. She got sick a few times, and the only thing that she needed to feel better was medicine. I've been kicked out pf my house, I was banned from their activities, and I was forced to wear a squirrel suit to the beach, that was the worst time I had there. Hahahaha! Lincoln: (spits the bar of soap out of his mouth) Girls? - Lynn Sr called - Come here! LUNA: Hey, dudes. Rita and Lynn Loud Sr have 5 daughters. No matter how severe it is, you always came back and made things up. Maybe the book she found in Lincoln's room will help her figure it out. Lori: (in her head) This is really stupid! - Lola claims, (Everyone is getting ready for bed, Lucy, in her PJs, is reading her poems on the floor in the hallway, she hears crying), LUCY: (closes her book) I hear crying, even my heart can feel bad. Never use that kind of language again! -Love your sisters, (Lincoln is moved to tears by this act of apology). Hahaha..hehe. - Lola yells, LYNN: Yep, we have to make sure he's always included. His body turns red with fury and shoves Luan and Lynn off of him). RITA: Good. LANA: My legs hurt from walking. The Loud House Movie logo appears. Lincoln's secret passion is singing along to modern radio songs. Lincoln: Well you didn't have to . comes back on) Ooh! Lola: And we'll do all we can so you can feel better! - Leni ask, worried, LANA: Let's go, last one will buy all of us popcorn! His sisters all exit their bedrooms, and see Lincoln, where they all give him a cold stare. - Lincoln ask, shocked, LENI: Well, since you didn't have fun at the park, we're gonna have a do-over for you! One evening, the Loud sisters had gotten dressed and were downstairs. LINCOLN: It's okay, I miss you girls. - Lincoln said, agitated, (Lana pulls out a bug zapper and is about to put it in the water, Lincoln stops her). (Lincoln quickly grabs a blanket and opens up the inflatable slide on his window. - Lynn said, LUNA: And he's family, too. After that, all the fish risen up from the water, dead), LANA: Looks like I gotta bite to eat. Lincoln is speechless after hearing this new information, and gets angrier. LINCOLN: Let's go swimming! I guess Lincolns attempt to shape her into someone like him must have worked after all. - the girls said, ecstatic, LORI: One of you get Lincoln. LUCY: I can keep a secret. LYNN: Yeah, you almost ruined my baseball game! This one action scared all his sisters. The shriek was then followed by the crying. Lincoln yelled the insult so loud, that the surrounding neighborhood is woken up from it. Daffy: Step aside babe! They all think about what they could do, but they then see Lily on the couch, with a crayon and paper. We werent aware that your story was a piece of fiction. Lincoln: (angry) So, they made you become a slave, dumped flour on you and made you sprain your ankle?! (It shows they're the only ones again, the gang then find a good spot and set up their stuff), LINCOLN: Where's the tents? It's way more fun with all 11 of us, Lincoln! LOLA: Yeah, you're our family, Linky. with him! LINCOLN: Like that time when we was ban from every pool and I decide to buy my own pool! Lincoln is baffled by what the other sisters did and give them all cold stares. They all put their heads down in shame. - Lynn Sr pointed out - We'll discuss this later. Are you kidding me?! She was about to head back downstairs, but seeing the empty room open sparked her curiosity. Awesome! LINCOLN: (saddened) Yeah. By the time that they were made aware of the young boy's condition, Lincoln slowly drifted into the final stages of the malady. Lincoln: (angry) Wow! Other than that, enjoy. You cant come! Lori: (furious) I DON'T CARE! Lincoln: (consoling the girls) Girls, girls. They have no right to do that! Before he could process his surroundings, a familiar voice caught him off guard. "Well, Lincoln's in that same kind of situation that your pet was. You don't deserve this much bullying. LORI: Hey, Linc, get dressed and pack your things, - Lori said - We're gonna take you camping. - Lincoln scolded - You don't even know how to play tennis! (Lincoln then uses his doorknob, but it broke off, infuriating him into throwing the knob out of his window), LINCOLN: First, the loose floorboard?! Clyde: I see. They have a well known reputation for destroying anything they touch. If they destroy something I love, I have the urge to hate them. Talking to Bobby was the only thing she did on the weekends. Get it? Incredible from, The last one he is shown reading has the Ninja Steel Rangers from. "Rroom?" Lynn: But what? Lincoln: Read it. Clyde: So are you really not going to talk to your sisters ever again? The Apologetic Sisters by the Loud Sisters. Lincoln: (talking to viewers) Well, it's been a few days since the whole bet went down and ever since, Lori hasn't been very strict. Maybe you should seek advice from an expert comic book artist. thathe missed. We all do our individual jobs! +11 more. They all quickly step back after his lash out. "Well", Lincoln said, "look who decided to come back. It took over three months to make the whole thing, because I had to design my own characters and plan out how the story should go. Taking it upon herself to find a cure for her brother's illness, she was made to realize that there was no hope for her brother.Usually the stoic, the reality of the situation drove Lisa to tears, and she destroyed her research. Luan: Hey Lisa, that was a nice pill you invented! Lily didn't know how to meditate on her sister's assuring words. Lana? Why, why does it have to be this way?" - Lori ask. - Lincoln Loud, (The girls are in tears of the revelation, they all feel bad about this), LUNA: What have we done to our little brother? The way Lori sprained her ankle is quite similar on how I sprained mine a while back. "Sorry", Lori said, "you're not invited.". Lincoln took one last look at the sign, 'Now Leaving Royal Woods' and turned back. Lola: Then they'll take away your phone and take your driving privilages away, so you have no contact with your precious "Bobby Boo Boo Bear"! (Lola tosses the comic into the fireplace, where it burns away. Inspiration for this fanfiction comes from few positive predictions forNo Such Luck. I was scared! Lincoln: [pokes his head through the doggie door] Were going to the beach tomorrow? - Luna sad, sad - We should've known how you felt being left out! Lucy: Well, you are third in line. LINCOLN: (incensed) ME?! Lincoln went downstairs and got on the phone. And let's not forget Lynn called me bad luck, I just wanted free time for myself. LUNA: But, you kicked us all out, dude! Lily scratches her head in confusion. After the End Credits Lincoln: Oh! (Lola turns the page to see the Meet the Characters page), Damien Dome - The Hero (inspired by me)Dean Dome - The Snob (inspired by Lori)Demi Dome - The Prettiest (inspired by Leni)Dawn Dome - The Singer (inspired by Luna)Dana Dome - The Funniest (inspired by Luan)Dora Dome - The Dangerous (inspired by Lynn)Dian Dome - The Scariest (inspired by Lucy)Debi Dome - The Messiest (inspired by Lana)Dove Dome - The Brat (inspired by Lola)Dicy Dome - The Brains (inspired by Lisa)Dell Dome - The Cutest (inspired by Lily), (The sisters look at each other in confusion). It only went from bad to worse when Lincoln was diagnosed with brain tumors, meaning that he only had a short amount of time left to live. - Lincoln laments. LINCOLN: (to the viewers) Well, maybe they can forget me, but they'll make it up. Bugs: Well, that's all folks! ARGGH! "So?" To the viewers) Man, I guess I have to make another issue of The Dome Home. I was just heading back home after picking up my sis from the arcade. Lincoln: (angry) Heh, typical! - Lincoln said Luna: Or stung by a jellyfish. Why did you make us look stupid in this? Luna, you can play some music, but you can turn it up to 11. What gives?! Ooh! - Lola read, (Lola shrugs, she finds Lincoln's journal and she opens it, she sat on Lincoln's bed and reads it), (The other siblings walk out of Lori's room, they hear crying from Lincoln's room, they run and finds it's Lola who's crying). (he opens up the book and begins reading it). Lincoln then looked inside his box and found some video games. Is that fun to you?! Lisa: Oh, I dont know? - Luan laments - That's why he snapped at us the other night. Then, they see the parents walk into the Living room with Lori. - Lincoln said, mad - They forget about me again?! AND FOR SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED A MONTH AGO?! As always, Lori's in charge and you must listen to her. Luna: Oh, you didn't know? Leni: (under her breath) Hes got a point there. "Lily, remember when you had that pet butterfly you've had once and dad accidentally crushed it?" She accidentally heads for the stairs and starts stumbling. LANA: I guess he like us more than you, Lincoln. - Lucy said nicely - But, we're family no matter what. LINCOLN: Lori? Leni, you can do fashion, but you can't be tearing the walls down to get the materials. Her older sisters were feeling the waterworks coming on, but they felt compelled to continue. - Luna said, (Lincoln is sleeping in his bed, the girls then enter his room, with backpacks on; Lincoln then wakes up). - Luna said, LANA: Yeah, we need to apologize. I'd Um you got me, Lincoln. Rita: We've always planned to have a big family. - Lincoln thanked, LUNA: You earned it, buddy. Ronnie Anne: Yeah, man. The girls were disappointed to see Lincoln standing behind them. LORI: Whatever twerp, you're wasting my texting time. - Lisa said, sad. Bobby: All right, Ill be back in a few hours to pick you up, sis. C'mon! - Lori laments, LISA: And for almost ruining his sleepover. Can I please go to Clyde's house? Lincoln heads upstairs, where Clyde and Ronnie Anne follow), (All ten sisters are in Lori and Lenis room. - Lori said sweetly, (Lincoln then hops off the couch and run to his room to do his homework, Luna walks in), (Luna and Lincoln both fist bump each other), LUNA: Wanna go to the movies with us? - Lola said, LUAN: Yep, I hope we find Linc soon. Back at Clydes house, Lincoln regains his sanity, and noticing that nobodys around, he decides to call it quits and heads back to his house and falls asleep). "Sometimes, there isn't a reason why this happens." - Lincoln suggested, SISTERS: YEAH! As the sisters continue to head towards Clydes house, a truck catches up to them, and honks its horn. Later that day, the entire house is asleep. - Luna said - So, what's next? "This is literally going to be the best night ever", Lori said. - Luna called - Don't you feel like something missing? - Lori laments. He responded with a horrible punch. I worked on that thing for three months! This all could have been avoided if Lola didnt show us the comic in the first place. It hasn't been less than four years after the Loud family was forced to part with Lincoln. We may have different views on things, but we all love each other. He was suddenly pushed and fell off screen as the Loud Kids say farewell. Did you forget that tonight is the season premiere of ARGGH!?! The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, so credits go to him. LOLA: Even, I love your painting. Ronnie Anne: Leave him alone, Lori! I have to cut this loose thread on my dress. Whatever they were talking about, that occured a month ago, and they're making a big fit of it now?! - Lori said, tearing up - I wanna read it. As the game was nearing its climax, Lincoln leans over in agony, grabbing onto his chest. Let that sink in, and pray that Lori forgives you in some way, because as long as she's mad, i'm mad! Like I said, you girls know how to make things up! They all get into a line. I was gonna include Brawl in the Family, but I scrapped it because most people really hate the episode and how Lisa and Luan tell Lincoln that they made up by having him leaving was very mean. - Lincoln said sweetly, (The girls then turn to Lincoln and embraced him in a group hug), LUAN: Tell you what, since you was left out, Lincoln. By the end of it, he's smiling. Lincoln ate his pizza at the grown-up table and turned to the audience. Lana: And its all because we destroyed something Lincoln worked really hard on. - Lincoln said. It's like I'm not part of the family. He loved you so much and would've loved to spend time with you.". (They furiously approach Lincolns room, but dont see Lincoln in there. This is one of the shorter extentions to my fanfics, I count this as a extention because it takes place after the episode. For those who may not be aware of the fanfic, well. - Lola greeted - Glad you can made it. Might as well leave a note. - Lucy said, (Lucy walks to Lincoln's door and see's him, in his PJs, crying in his hands, she knocks on his door), LINCOLN: (sniff) It's open. (as Lola rummages through his desk, she discovers Lincolns comic) DO NOT TOUCH Okay. Lynn! Lori: Alright! Someone could get attacked by a shark. Luan: You could say she took the "red pill"! Lincoln played "Stock Car Revolution 2011", "Super Dangerous Hunting", and "ARGGH! I'll do it! Lincoln was hardly mentioned in any discussions by his sisters, as they feared that this would trigger traumatizing memories of watching their only brother die slowly from the brain tumors. The hospital respected their wishes and provided a wheelchair for Lincoln. Lincoln: I just finished it earlier. Er, I mean, done. - Lincoln laments - They always have more fun, when I'm not around. Lincoln: GIVE IT BACK! The original titles I had for this story were "The Silent Treatment", and "Mouthwashed". Seriously, what is wrong with us?! The shriek that Lynn gave out could be heard all around the house. She expected her older sisters to play with her every now and then, but she didn't mind playing by herself. As soon as he snapped out of it, he ran to his room. - Luan said, (Lynn facepalms, Lana spots Lincoln at the park, crying on a bench, she runs to the park. Lola enters his room). He was not sure if he was truly back, so he had to find out for himself. (Luna rubs Lincoln's head, she went downstairs and meet her sisters), LENI: Is Linky coming? - Luna replied - Can one of you dudes get me a soda? (Rita and Lynn Sr. then walk out of the house), LUNA: We gotta find Lincoln and apologize to him. (Bubbles then was around Lana, a dead fish risen up, Lana hides it nervously), LOLA: I forgot my protective wrap and I didn't bring a float. I was told everything from Lori, and i'm really angry at you! Thats why Im never speaking to them again for as long as I can. (to the viewers) As you may know, I am an avid reader of comics and manga. (Every room is empty, he walk downstairs to find Lynn Sr. and Rita on the couch reading), LYNN SR: Hey, champ, is something wrong? Lincoln: (sarcastic) Now isn't that love right there? Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story and i'll see you guys next time, A few days have past since the whole bet incident happened, and everything seems to be going normal since. LORI: And it's our fault we took over his pool. - Luan laments - I'm gonna swim with Lynn. - Lisa laments, (Lucy then get up and walk in the house in search of her bother, Lincoln is in his Paradise for One kiddie pool, he feels a little sad), LINCOLN: (sighs) I feel so lonely. - Lincoln said. The Loud Kids: That's all folks! (Lincoln then picks up and carries Lana, the siblings then hear a large boom in the distance), (The siblings then see in the distance that is the signature geyser, the siblings stare in complete awe), LORI: So, that's the geyser they was talking about? Lincoln looks at them with a deep cold stare, causing the sisters to look away while cowering in fear. Lynn? (The sisters have reached the end of the comic. - Lincoln said, devastated. - Lola said, happy, LINCOLN: (deadpanned) Yeah. LOLA: Hey, Linky. - Lori moped. Do you have fun doing this?! Lori had graduated from high school, and went to to acquire a fairly well-paying job after college. Lisa: Thank you, it should keep her passed out for 10 minutes! RITA: Aw. "Sorry", Lori said, "it's a majority vote.". (Lincoln exits the attic, walks downstairs and enters the living room. Lincoln: (infuriated) I cant believe this! Without any consideration on her part, she makes a grab at the stuffed animal, accidentally roughing it in the process. (Lincoln wakes up and find the hallway is quiet. Even from all of that though, we still think you're the best older sister we could've ever have. ", "Hey, Lincoln", Lori said, "we just wanted to see what you were doing. "So there aren't enough comics for ten more", Lori asked. - Lucy said, LINCOLN: It's just, every time I'm not around, you guys always have more fun than me.

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