[18] She also authored a book, Government by Choice: Inventing the United States Constitution, which cataloged the exhibit. McCaughey's schtick, as described by James Fallows, is to pose as a disinterested, objective researcher who is just shocked and dismayed to find something insane and evil in a piece of legislation supported by a Democratic president. [101][102][103][104], Policy positions and scholarship, 19891993, New York Lieutenant Governorship, 19951998. [75] The stimulus bill was passed with the healthcare-related provisions still included. But that also means that Bodies Are Cool is the kind of book conservatives are rallying against right now and trying to pull from library bookshelves because God forbid a kid read a book that doesnt condemn LGBTQ+ people. I discovered a really cool book over the weekend called Bodies Are Cool by Tyler Feder. As Hillary was out pushing their massive health-care plan, Betsy wrote a detailed attack of the proposed legislation. No one else has the nerve.. [30] On the last day of Hillary Clinton's testimony, The Wall Street Journal published an op-ed by McCaughey, who wrote that the 239-page draft legislation differed markedly from the White House's public statements and would have "devastating consequences". They are not even "distortions." They are made-up. [74] The effectiveness research council was a new initiative, as McCaughey had said. They are often marginalized and the target of violence, especially trans women of color. Uh. The wedding's leaning was decidedly Republican, however: the cake was topped with two elephants intertwining their trunks, and the Patakis had sent a small Steuben elephant as a gift. I think women are particularly subject to characterizing as the dumb blonde, or ditzy, she says. "No Exit: What the Clinton plan will do for you, United States Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, antibiotic resistant staphylococcus aureus, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, List of female lieutenant governors in the United States, "Woman in the News: Elizabeth Peterken McCaughey; Taking On a Challenge", "Is Betsy McCaughey Too Perfect a Match for Donald Trump? Hillary has not reached out for Betsys help. "The real McCaughey: Why the GOP's answer to Cuomo's brain has virtually vanished". In an appearance on MSNBC's Morning Meeting on October 6, 2009,[93] McCaughey advocated gradually extending the minimum age for Medicare coverage upward from 65 to 70 in order to keep the Medicare system solvent. Or Ill wait for grandchildren., I never look back, she says. McCaughey is also a syndicated columnist and weekly columnist for the New York Post, where she has strongly endorsed Donald Trumps policy positions. In an August 7, 2012, opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal, McCaughey described as "phony" an assertion that repealing the Affordable Care Act would increase federal deficits.[94]. After chatting up journalists over drinks, Betsy made vague excuses about having forgotten other dinner plans. Pataki, his wife Libby, and me, has decided to keep mum this time around. In addition to the Park Avenue apartment, which she owns outright, she recently landed a $150,000 a year job with the Hudson Institute. [64] She argued that evidence had shown that the US had higher rates of cancer survival than countries with universal healthcare coverage because of shorter wait times for treatment, better availability of new drugs for therapy, and more frequent cancer screenings. [97], In an October 25, 2013, appearance on Fox News, McCaughey said that the Affordable Care Act would have the effect of "eviscerating Medicare". Columbia University, Ph.D., 1976, Columbia University, Master of Arts, 1972, 2015-present:Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, 2003-present: Founder and Chairman of Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths, 1998-2002: Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, 1994-1998: Lt. And cooking. Hes already told the transgender crowd, Your president has your back., In other words: if you dont hate transgender people, a good reminder that the ACLU and Biden are allies. Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Her first suit, filed shortly after the election, seeks $20 million from Ross and from his accountant, Arthur Fox, Betsys campaign treasurer. In 1994, McCaughey worked for the Manhattan Institute, a right-wing think tank. John McCain is someone I identify with.. There are many illustrations of people in the book for whom you cant assume a gender. [61] She has appeared on Fox News, CNN, and many radio shows to discuss her research and how to prevent infection deaths. Her rapid rise has been laced with some controversy. In reality, the Biden Administration is trying to undo the damage that the virulently anti-trans Trump Administration caused transgender and gender-fluid students. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com. 2023 Out In Jersey | All rights reserved. Out In Jersey magazine covers the interests of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning community of New Jersey. But as she starts talking again about serious issues, it seems unlikely Betsy couldnt notice that each pair of eyes in the room is drawn not to her face, but to some point lower. Site maintained by. Organize, control, distribute and measure all of your digital content. He later selected New York State Supreme Court Justice Mary Donohue to replace her. Um, I dont know at which schools McCaughey has been hanging out, but from what I can tell, those schools are not on planet Earth. RID has made hospital infections a major public issue. [7] By January 1995, McCaughey had produced a set of recommendations that required cost cutting by hospitals and nursing homes so that the poor did not have to bear the entire burden of balancing the state's Medicaid budget by a reduction of their benefits. [50] Regarding her status as a political rookie, McCaughey said, "Many New Yorkers see that as a plus. A janitor's daughter born poor in Pittsburgh, Ms. McCaughey rose through academia and recently rocketed into Republican Party power, a life already the stuff of paperback page turners. What makes Feders book so, well, cool, is that it truly is a celebration of bodies of all shapes, sizes, genders, colors, and abilities. Betsy would not be dissuaded. My sister bought a copy for her daughter, who is almost two, and it is one of her favorite books, second only to Wheels on the Bus, with which she has a fanatical obsession. BETSY MCCAUGHEY, PH.D.is a constitutional scholar with a Ph.D. from Columbia University, a public policy expert, and a former Lt. In school, its cool to be anything but heterosexual, she writes. She stood up during Patakis 1996 State of the State address a move many saw as an attempt to upstage the governor. Even the story of the couple's romance has moments of blithe hype. Betsy McCaughey. "[7], McCaughey said that she accepted the nomination by believing she would be Pataki's "point person on health policy". Um, I dont know at which schools McCaughey has been hanging out, but from what I can tell, those schools are not on planet Earth. [5][6] McCaughey recalled her parents' difficulty in affording medical treatment: "my brother was a serious asthmatic as a child. To hear McCaughey tell it, President Joe Biden is basically colluding with school districts to make every child transgender and every teacher a transgender life coach. Governor of New York State. From the Right / Betsy McCaughey / Dec 28, 2022. And, thus, "death panels." Betsy McCaughey, who railed against "the transgender militants" in a recent piece on World Net Daily. They are not even "distortions." The day after the election, Wilbur Ross filed for divorce. She is currently a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research. Oct 19. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Just five years earlier, Betsy McCaughey Ross was the highest-ranking woman in New York politics, and a fixture on every invitation list. My only regret is that I didnt have more children she says. [69][71] She opined that the bureaucrats would use a comparative effectiveness formula, which, in the United Kingdom, had resulted in a requirement that senior citizens go blind in one eye before the government would pay for a treatment to save the sight in the other eye. Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. She was alone. [49], Following the national attention McCaughey received in the 1990s healthcare legislation debate, Pataki, a first-term New York state senator who was running for governor, chose her as his running mate. )[30][36], McCaughey's "No Exit" article was quickly used by conservative officials and commentators seeking to discredit the Clinton plan. It's one thing when government raises your taxes, suffocates your business with regulations or censors your tweets. The things she writes are untrue. In 1972, she married Thomas K. McCaughey, a Yale graduate she had met in college and who was then moving up as an investment banker. She made allegations about certain provisions of the bills that provided for Medicare payments to physicians for end-of-life and living will counseling and about Ezekiel Emanuel, then an adviser to the Obama administration's budget director and chairman of the bioethics department at the National Institutes of Health. "[87] An article in Time magazine said that Emanuel "was only addressing extreme cases like organ donation, where there is an absolute scarcity of resources", and quoted Emanuel as saying: "My quotes were just being taken out of context. Dumb question. The couple's five daughters -- Ms. McCaughey's three and Mr. Ross's two -- all played roles, from flower girl to ring-bearer. [47] In 2006, a new editor recanted the story. "The real Clarence Thomas: On the eve of the hearings: A record of judicial restraint". [62] One of the cancer society's commercials stated, "We're making progress, but it's not enough if people don't have access to the care that could save their lives. [11] She was a member of the board of directors of Genta, a company focused on the delivery of innovative products for cancer treatment from 2001 to her resignation in October 2007. Last week, Betsys latest lawyer, William Wachtel, filed another $10 million suit against the two men, claiming that Ross failure to give Betsy the money he promised constitutes fraud.. [29], On September 22, 1993, US President Bill Clinton delivered a nationally televised speech about his healthcare reform plan to a joint session of Congress. [41][42], The Clinton White House press office issued a response to McCaughey's "No Exit" article by arguing that it contained "numerous factual inaccuracies and misleading statements". In a July 24 column for the New York Post, McCaughey smeared Ezekiel Emanuel (the nice Emanuel brother) as a murderous "deadly doctor.". Shes been recycling these charges for two years.. Who is Betsy McCaughey's husband? [68], McCaughey published an op-ed on February 9, 2009, and claimed that the Obama administration's pending American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 stimulus contained the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, hidden provisions that would harm the health of Americans as well as the healthcare sector of the economy. Anyone whos met Betsy knows shes always happy to talk health care. She has been accused of intentionally twisting facts in debates over health care and education and of presenting herself as far more of a public policy expert than her critics say her resume warrants. Current editor Franklin Foer apologized for the McCaughey piece shortly after assuming his position. Family (1) Spouse Wilbur Ross (December 1995 - November 1998) (divorced) Thomas K, McCaughey (1972 - 1994) (divorced) (3 children) Trivia (7) 2023 may turn out to be the year when grieving Americans finally get answers. [77][78][79][80] The provisions in the legislation that McCaughey advocated against were removed from the bill before it became law. McCaughey opposed the America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 debated in Congress in 2009. From @Betsy_McCaughey: President Biden's trip to Mexico is a dog and pony show. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. [64] She expanded her argument into a "Brief Analysis" published the following month by the National Center for Policy Analysis in which she maintained that the US was number one in the world in cancer care. Im outspoken, and its hard for the political process to take that. [85] In a rebuttal, Factcheck.org stood by their analysis and provided further analysis, which led them to conclude that McCaughey had misinterpreted the bill. Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and author of "The Next Pandemic," available at Amazon.com. Betsy McCaughey is a professional liar. Collect, curate and comment on your files. Upon suing, Betsy acknowledged that her campaign remains in debt only to the tune of $90,000. 2 Now Has Own Pulpit", "The 1994 Elections: New York State; Pataki Says No. Right-wing conservatives are using the existence of people who dont neatly fit into male or female from birth as fundraising and fear-raising fodder. She has taught at Vassar College and Columbia University, and she produced prize-winning studies while at two think tanks, the Manhattan Institute and later the Hudson Institute. ", "Hey, It's Her Party The Rags-to-riches Tale Of A Girl From A Troubled Home Who Embraced The Gop, Then The Democrats, In Her Determined Quest For The Statehouse", "A political soap opera: A look behind the scenes of the Betsy McCaughey Ross brouhaha", "An Adjutant With Attitude: Betsy McCaughey Ross Pursues Her Own Agenda", "No Exit: The never-ending lunacy of Betsy McCaughey", "Through the gates of health: Elizabeth McCaughey transformed the debate. Right from the get go children learn rules like girls love princesses and boys love dinosaurs. The obsession with gender is front and center all of the time, most hideously in the form of gender reveal parties that start wildfiresand kill people. These kids are dealing with deeply rooted cultural norms and social weirdness about gender and bodies and sexuality on top of the regular kid problems of acne and homework. [69], McCaughey said the National Coordinator would monitor patients' electronic medical records to ensure that doctors and hospitals treated patients in a way that "the federal government deems appropriate and cost effective" and that doctors and hospitals deviating from the government's "electronically delivered protocols" would be penalized. McCaughey, Elizabeth P. "Democracy at risk: the dangerous flaws in the Electoral College". [32], In late November 1993, the bill for the Clinton health care plan of 1993 was introduced in the Congress and made publicly available. Health care is not a litmus test for me, said the woman who breathes health-care policy. Team Biden's 401 (k) heist could raid your retirement for a woke agenda. Sullivan never really has. She was a member of the boards of directors of medical equipment companies Genta (from 2001 to 2007) and Cantel Medical Corporation, but she resigned in 2009 to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest with her public advocacy against the Affordable Care Act. And the guest list was so large, she added, because they decided to opt for "inclusive rather than expensive.". [11] She also took courses in accounting at Columbia's School of Business. It's amazing.". Even before the election, she embarrassed him by distributing printed copies of her pro-choice position at a Conservative Party convention. Then, Bill Clinton was elected president. The woman whos most famous for being dumped first as lieutenant governor by George Pataki, then as wife by wealthy hubby Wilbur Ross says she wants to be taken seriously in her new role as a public-policy scholar for the Hudson Institute think tank. Biden is determined to increase that by making the $6.8 trillion held by 401 (k) plans more available to union companies than nonunion ones. "Health plan's devilish details". Her first stab at derailing this year's health care debate came with a Bloomberg column about fictitious health care rationing hidden in the stimulus bill. Im not sure what multiplication has to do with anything here, but I guess what McCaughey is saying is that children need a firm grasp of their times tables before they can fully understand that gender is a social construct. [33][34], McCaughey expanded her op-eds into a five-page article titled "No Exit", which appeared as the cover story in The New Republic and was published a few days before President Clinton's 1994 State of the Union address. Nevertheless, she then married Wilbur Ross a wealthy investment banker in the year 1995. She lies. Betsy McCaughey wed a Wall Street multimillionaire, Wilbur L. Ross Jr., last night in a candlelight ceremony that could be said to cap a storybook romance -- if the storybook were written by Sidney Sheldon. Betsy McCaughey, who railed against "the transgender militants . Maine requires public school teachers to explore the achievements of LGBTQ individuals, not just in health class but also in history and social studies, she writes. [7] McCaughey was publicly critical of the governor's proposed cuts to Medicaid and gave a pro-choice speech without his advance permission. McCaughey's story was really more the fault of owner/"editor-in-chief" Marty Peretz, of course, because he had a psychotic hatred of Bill Clinton.). I remember my parents sitting at the kitchen table wondering if they could afford to take [him] to the hospital. [12], McCaughey has worked on patient advocacy and healthcare policy issues since leaving office in 1999. Her mother, an alcoholic, died the next year of liver disease at the age of 42. It's reasonable that the U.S. and other countries to require air passengers from Communist China to provide a negative COVID test to board, writer Betsy McCaughey said The only thing not going viral in Communist China is the truth. Talk about inventing an enemy to rile up the base. IN THE fall of 1998, Wilbur Ross, whod already spent some $2 million in a futile attempt to make his wife governor, produced a postnuptial agreement. Everyone has known this for years and yet she was still. [51] After winning the election, Pataki told The New York Times, McCaughey would have "very real and significant responsibilities" as lieutenant governor. [40] Bill Kristol's Project for the Republican Future quickly launched television advertisements featuring quotes from McCaughey's two Wall Street Journal op-ed columns and her The New Republic article. "We cannot falter now," McCaughey says. [60] The non-profit RID is "devoted solely to providing safer, cleaner, hospital care". Her 1993 attack on the Clinton healthcare plan was likely a major factor in the initially popular bill's defeat in Congress. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. Betsy McCaughey is the author of over three hundred scholarly and popular articles. Beneath her expensive-looking duds, Im amazed to see that the former lieutenant governor with a Ph.D. has chosen to wear a blouse of a sheer, black fabric. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. The McCaugheys separated in 1992 and divorced in 1994 with McCaughey and her ex-spouse sharing joint custody of their three daughters. "Perverting the Voting Rights Act". Then, she comes to the door of her Park Avenue apartment for an 11 a.m. interview wearing a black crepe suit. Elizabeth Helen McCaughey, formerly known as Betsy McCaughey Ross, is an American politician who was the Lieutenant Governor of New York from 1995 to 1998, during the first term . McCaughey uses Maine as an example of a place thats gone crazy for transgender people. It also had a decidedly patriotic flavor, from the reception on the Intrepid -- "It's hallowed, as hallowed as Gettysburg," Ms. McCaughey said -- to the inclusion of the "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," her favorite song, in the wedding music. [31][32] Citing words and phrases from the draft, she argued that the 77 percent of Americans then covered by insurance would see a downgrade in their policies, and most would not be able to keep their own physicians but be forced into price-controlled health maintenance organizations (HMOs), which would provide only the most basic care. And then she wrote a piece for The New Republic about how the Clinton health care plan would not allow people to buy health care coverage outside the government-run plan. Betsy McCaughey, who railed against the transgender militants in a recent piece on World Net Daily. Out of the park! Required fields are marked *. Last night's convention-size wedding at St. Bartholomew's Church on Park Avenue and the reception on the aircraft carrier-museum Intrepid -- a bash so big the couple said they did not have even a ball-park number for the several hundred guests -- provided the requisite happy ending. That meant guests at the reception were treated to finger foods and cocktails rather than a sit-down dinner -- to the dismay of some. In July 2009, McCaughey claimed that a section in the pending healthcare legislation, "Advance Care Planning Consultation", actually prescribed "euthanasia for the elderly" because it included provisions that, would make it mandatoryabsolutely requirethat every five years people in Medicare have a required counseling session that will tell them how to end their life sooner [and inform them how to] decline nutrition, how to decline being hydrated, how to go in to hospice care all to do what's in society's best interest or in your family's best interest and cut your life short. Her father, Albert Peterken, a maintenance man in a fingernail . Watch this gripping interview with a new member of Congress, Andy Ogles. Be ready to answer those questions and more the next time you go to the doctor, whether it's the dermatologist or the cardiologist and no matter if the questions are unrelated to why you're seeking medical help. The most consequential case in the US Supreme Court this term is about pigs and how much space a sow needs to give birth and wean her piglets. #fentanyl #DEA @derekmaltz_sr #drugtrafficking @DEAHQ, The Biden administration must know that asking Lpez Obrador to battle the cartels is a fools errand #AMLO #cartels #fentanyl #borderpatrol #illicitdrugs #Fentanylcrisis She serves on the board of Synexis, a biodefense company providing technologies to eradicate pathogens in hospitals, public spaces, and manufacturing facilities. [67] The American Cancer Society responded by citing a study of nearly 600,000 cancer cases that concluded that compared to people with private insurance, uninsured patients in the US were 1.6 times more likely to die within five years of their diagnosis. U.S. life expectancy dropped to 76.4 years, the lowest in 25 years, according to new federal data. And to be seen. Plus, its more romantic. Governor of New York, non-profit founder & chair. The woman who staged her last wedding aboard the aircraft carrier Intrepid, whose 600 guests included Gov. What makes Feders book so, well, cool, is that it truly is a celebration of bodies of all shapes, sizes, genders, colors, and abilities. McCaughey, Elizabeth. [69][70] She said that the Federal Coordinating Council would be composed of appointed bureaucrats charged with a costcutting agenda that would slow the development of new medical products and drugs and ration healthcare for senior citizens. From 1995 until their divorce in 2000, she was married to business magnate Wilbur Ross, who went on to serve as Secretary of Commerce during Donald Trump's presidency. If that sounds a bit politically correct, it gets better: Not wanting the wedding to smack of conspicuous consumption, Ms. McCaughey ordered decorations that did not use cut flowers, only plants, which could then be donated to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; leftover food would be donated to the hungry. This backlash is especially vicious against transgender people. She was out the door as Hillary arrived. 2", "Rep. Anthony Weiner Debates Betsy McCaughey On MSNBC", "Betsy McCaughey: ObamaCare's Phony Deficit Reduction WSJ.com", "Betsy McCaughey says on next doctor visit, 'Obamacare will question your sex life', "Betsy McCaughey: Obamacare designed to vastly expand single payer Medicaid by eviscerating Medicare", "Betsy McCaughey (Betsy_McCaughey) on Twitter", "Tom Cotton says Mark Pryor voted to give Congress a special subsidy for health care", "GOP Rep. Jeb Hensarling assails "sweetheart" deal for lawmakers, staff under Obamacare", "Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare CNN Political Ticker CNN.com Blogs", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Betsy_McCaughey&oldid=1125225447, Articles with dead external links from September 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from March 2011, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Articles with dead YouTube links from February 2022, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 2 December 2022, at 21:41.

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