A person authorized to accept Service of Process for a corporation. It is generally permissible if the arresting officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person has committed a felony or if the person has committed a misdemeanor amounting to a breach of the peace. Number Sequence: "0" before a number sequence is optional. You may also filter results by court type or circuit. Personal property is anything that isn't nailed down, dug into, or built onto the land. (Attachments: #1 Continuation of Main Document) (jcharl, ) Any person not a citizen of the United States who is residing the in the U.S. under legally recognized and lawfully recorded permanent residence as an immigrant. 1525 Sherman Street, 4th Floor. ColoradoPublicRecords.org mission is to give people easy access to direct Colorado public record information, but we do not provide private investigator services or consumer reports, and are not a consumer reporting agency per the Fair Credit Reporting Act. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Civil Cover Sheet)(Morales, Victor) Number Sequence: ^ before a number sequence is optional. A bank account that names a specific person as beneficiary of all funds once the account holder dies. Though many court cases in the state are available, there are some that are not. This is your final chance to persuade the Judge or jury. An investigation of a dispute by a neutral third party who examines the issues and facts in a case, and who may or may not recommend settlement procedures. Methods for resolving problems without going to court. Money awarded to reimburse actual costs, such as medical bills and lost wages. Court District The Montrose County Court is a trial court in Montrose County and is . Naming beneficiaries to receive your money and property when you die without filing a probate case. Handles a wide range of civil and criminal cases including juvenile, tort, real property, probate, felony, and domestic relations cases as well as contract and estate issues. An add-on to something. A fundamental, constitutional guarantee that all legal proceedings will be fair and that one will be given notice of the proceedings and an opportunity to be heard before the government acts to take away one's life, liberty, or property. Apart from dealing with crimes committed by minors, they also deal with oversee dependency and abuse cases. Phone payments may be made Monday-Thursday, 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m. A document issued by the Court, identifying the authority of the Personal Representative, Guardian or Conservator. If your expected court date does not appear below, please call 970-350-9230 to confirm. Any court that makes a record of the proceedings. View Longmont Municipal Court general calendar. To find the court case number, individuals will need to contact the courthouse where the trial was held, requesting the number from them to fill out the necessary information about the case. A person is guilty of criminal homicide if he purposely, knowingly, recklessly or negligently causes the death of another human being. The judges here are decided and allocated within the supreme court. Huerfano County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Police misconduct, defective breathalyzers and crime lab mistakes may be enough to get your charges lessened or dismissed. Used to distinguish the parents who gave birth to a child from the parents who later adopt the child. (2) A written order or notice directing that a person appear before a designated court at a stated time and place and answer to a charge against him or her. The case status is Pending - Other Pending. A written agreement setting out terms of the relationship for the division of property and financial issues for a couple who are about to live together or marry should the relationship or marriage later be dissolved. Subpoena duces tecum seeks not the appearance of a person before a court but the surrender of a thing (document or some other evidence) by its holder, to the court, to serve as evidence in a trial. A court-appointed representative who is to defend or protect the interest of a person under legal disability, such as a child or incompetent individual involved in a legal court proceeding. The final order of the Court that disposes of or ends the marriage or legal separation proceedings. Holds jury trials, with District Court judges presiding, for real property cases. You further authorize CourtCaseFinder.com to conduct a person search to identify preliminary results of the search subject you entered. Access El Paso County District Court records in EL PASO County for civil, family, criminal, traffic, & property case information. Land and all the things that are attached to it, like a garage or barn. Moffat County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. We do not handle any of the following cases: And we do not handle any cases outside of California. PROBABLE CAUSE FOUND. Coloradans can learn about the organization of the states judicial branch as well as find relevant information to help them access open court records. The Family Court Facilitator cannot give legal advice. You must review and accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before using our Boulder County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. DU2. Also known as "Permanent Resident Alien," "Resident Alien Permit Holder," and "Green Card Holder.". Juvenile Diversion Program. A paper document or other physical object or photograph introduced into evidence to prove or deny a claim during a trial, hearing, or deposition. When a party against whom a judgment for affirmative relief is sought has failed to plead or otherwise defend, she/he is in default and a judgment by default may be entered by the clerk of court. The Longmont Judicial Department is comprised of the Municipal Court and Probation. This person keeps records of all court activities and statements concerning a case. 4-digit year Case class Case sequence. Case Number: 1:2023cv00136. : Any person aggrieved by the conduct of an offender. NO TRUE BILL RETURNED. Those are considered sealed and are only accessible by individuals with the right to see them. An order of an administrative agency or court prohibiting a person or business from continuing a particular course of conduct. The person(s), company or group who owes a specific amount of money according to the Courts order. Logan County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Courtrecords.org is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and may not be used to make decisions about an individuals eligibility for personal credit, employment, tenant screening or to assess risk associated with a business transaction. You must have had or havethe right to keep to the property. For instance, a parent sometimes can be vicariously liable for the harmful acts of a child and an employer sometimes can be vicariously liable for the acts of a worker. City Clerk. To "expunge" something from a court record means to remove every reference to it. When a court case is moved from one location to another, usually because of a question of fairness. Prowers County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Teller County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. A law suit, legal action, including all proceedings therein. An agreement among business partners that specifies how shares in the business are to be transferred in the case of a co-owner's death. Payments can be made online, in person at the Municipal Court Administrative Office, via phone (303-339-8177), or mailed. Money or documents, such as a deed or title, held by a third party until the conditions of an agreement are met. Aprocess governed by federal law to help when people cannot or will not pay their debts. Colorado Court Records are a catalog of all of the records a court maintains from criminal and civil cases that can suggest what took place in the courtroom throughout the proceedings of a court session. Search Park County District or County Court dockets by name or case number. You can find information on services by using the links below to get to its website or you can contact the courts at 720-772-2500. A person who feeds and provides care for livestock. Cases assigned to Judge Rodriguez will be identified on the docket by her initials RMR. It helps to understand how the Colorado state court system works when you're trying to find court records. If a guardian is not doing what they are supposed to be doing, and it would be in the best interest of the Ward to take immediate action, the court can appoint a temporary substitute guardian for a maximum of 6 months. An injury or wrong committed, with or without force, against someone or their property. They are also involved in child custody battles and conservatorships of adults. It is issued during probate of the estate as soon as the court approves the appointment of the executor named in the will. If you have been charged with a criminal or Colorado DMV violation we invite you to contact our compassionate, experiencedColorado criminal defense lawyersfor a free consultation. Acopyfrom the court that is guaranteedwith a stamp on the paper(s) by the clerk to be atrue copy of the court record. Search Grand County District or County Court dockets by name or case number. All defendants should contact the Court at 303-762-2580 PRIOR to your initial court date in order to determine what procedures apply to you. . A person or entity to whom the decedent of the estate has a financial or other obligation also known as a claimant. Standard Docket Code Table. In Colorado, an individual appointed by the Governor that keeps deeds of trusts related to real estate,handles the sale of foreclosed real estate, and collects taxes related to real estate. A case class code is required. (Attachments: #1 Civil Cover Sheet) (Burg, Jacob . without the permission of the other person in the case. Also called maintenance or spousal support in a divorce or separation. A written or spoken statement that was made outside of the court by someone other than the person testifying about that statement. The defendants signature acts as the promise to appear in court.A judge may require additional persons to sign the bond as well, to ensure the appearance of the defendant in court. Court: US District Court for the District of Colorado. A person at least 21, resident or non-resident of Colorado, who has been appointed to administer the estate of the Decedent and may also be referred to as an Executor/Executrix. A bond posted using the equity from real estate located in this state.The unencumbered equity must be 1.5 times the amount of the bond. Colorado court cases are accessible online in some cases. Search Archuleta County District or County Court dockets by name or case number. Also known as garnishment. The Clerk's office cannot give legal advice. One who runs away to avoid arrest, prosecution or imprisonment. Free of cost court records offered from federal state and regional courts can offer variable information. The state of having the release of certain information restricted. The opinion rendered by a jury, or a judge where there is no jury, on a question of fact. A written document in which one person appoints another person to act as an agent on his or her behalf, giving authority to perform certain acts or functions. Anything that is not real property is personal property. Party Last Name or Company Name. Search Clear Creek County District or County Court dockets by name or case number.

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